El mundo celebra el aniversario de la Declaración de los Derechos del Niño adoptada el 20 de noviembre de 1959 por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. Aunque una de cada tres personas en todo el mundo es un menor, la...

The GCCA Intra-ACP programme supports members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) to tackle climate change as a challenge to their development. We work towards this goal by offering technical assistance, promoting knowledge sharing, initiating regional dialogue, and facilitating regional partnership on climate change issues.
Euroclima is the European Union’s flagship Programme with the Latin America and Caribbean region that contributes to an increasingly ambitious, transformative and equitable action on climate and environmental issues. Through bilateral dialogues and regional engagement, the Programme works together with the 33 partner governments of the region and relevant regional organisations to identify priorities that lead to actions that foster the conditions for a Green and Just Transition.
El mundo celebra el aniversario de la Declaración de los Derechos del Niño adoptada el 20 de noviembre de 1959 por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. Aunque una de cada tres personas en todo el mundo es un menor, la...
The world celebrates the anniversary of the Declaration of Children’s Rights adopted on 20 November 1959 by the UN General Assembly. Although one in three people worldwide is a minor, most societies still undervalue the opinion of...
The subsequent inception phase resulted in an agreed logical framework that defines project activities in five specific work packages generating concrete outputs, outcomes, and impacts. These work packages are: 1. International Events 2. Specialised Working Groups 3. Training and Technical Assistance 4. Communication and dissemination 5. Project Management In the 7 reporting periods LNGnet organised 10 training courses with a total number of 491 participants, implemented 5 Specialised Working Groups with 47 renowned international experts involved across them, and managed 3 international events with 203 participants. In total, stakeholders from across 52 countries across 5 continents were involved in LNGnet.
Local economic development in EU external actions refers to the European Union's efforts to support sustainable economic growth and job creation in partner countries and regions outside the EU. This approach focuses on empowering local communities, businesses, and institutions to drive their own economic development.
EUROsociAL+ pretende consolidar un espacio de diálogo euro-latinoamericano de políticas públicas en torno a la cohesión social. Es un programa de cooperación horizontal, institucional y de carácter regional: moviliza el expertise público europeo y latinoamericano en un ejercicio de aprendizaje entre pares, con enfoque regional de trabajo colaborativo, para afrontar retos comunes en el diseño, formulación, implementación, gestión y evaluación de políticas públicas que tengan impacto sobre mejoras en los niveles de cohesión social.
The iimpact of this action is to support the bi-regional association between the EU and Central America in accordance with the principles and objectives of the EU-CA Association Agreement, as well as with the EU-Panama bilateral cooperation and agenda. Focusing on common political priorities, including green and blue recovery, digitization, gender equality and the fight against inequalities. Implement the Secretariat of the Five Great Forests of Mesoamerica Program to ensure coherence and adequate coordination between the components and with other interventions.
The BAM programme is clearly geared towards reducing and ultimately eradicating poverty. Various considerations very explicitly call for addressing small farmers' and local workers' living conditions, fair allocations of revenue
The “ Capacity Building Within the Caribbean Forum of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (CARIFORUM) in the Areas of Competition, Public Procurement, and Customs and Trade Facilitation in support of the