Kyrgyz Republic Roadmap for engagement with Civil Society

Kyrgyz Republic Roadmap for engagement with Civil Society
Mapping Team Europe's official development assistance to Kyrgyzstan, based on 2021 OECD DAC data.
The EU Roadmao for engagement civil society elaborates on the strategy for engagemente wit CSOs and how it relaes to the EU Country engagement and Agenda 2030/SDG.
Mapping of European partners financial contributions in Kyrgyzstan, based on 2018 OECD DAC data.
Mapping of European donor financial contributions in Kyrgyzstan, based on 2017 OECD DAC data.
This Case Study on Kyrgystan summarizes the context and main features of the horizontal expansion (ex post) of social protection systems in response to forced displacement. In June 2010, in the aftermath of the ousting of...
SUB-TOPIC (Research matrix): Advocacy with government to improve legal and policy frameworks to support informal economy enterprises (1.2) PROJECT NAME: Women in Action and Solidarity against Poverty in Kyrgyz Republic YEAR: 02...
Democracy Reporting International GSP+ project flyer
This is the final issue of the incrEAST newsletter, which is not being published any longer after the end of the FP7 funded project IncoNet EaP in December 2016. From 2008-2016, the incrEAST newsletter provided up-to-date...