Tips shared by Stefan Schleuning, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation in Kyiv, Ukraine and Sven Coppens, Director of Plan International’s Ukraine Crisis Response in Episode 5 of the Capacity4dev Podcast Series.
Mapping Team Europe's official development assistance to Ukraine, based on 2021 OECD DAC data.
This baseline study report presents the results of research on the state of the social entrepreneurship in Ukraine. It consists of the following areas: 1. The activities of social enterprises are regulated by a relatively large...
The EU4Youth programme is proud to present its third annual Achievements Report, which covers the different components and projects under EU4Youth in the Eastern Partnership. The report presents the results of the programme in...
The report on gap assessment regarding governance of National regulatory authorities (NRAs) and their powers and obligations was prepared by the EU4Digital Facility jointly with the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications...
EU4Digital’s recommendations for the harmonisation of eCommerce between the Eastern partner countries and the EU, with a gap analysis and recommendations report for Ukraine. The list of recommendations has been drawn up as part of...
The Concept for development of the digital economy and society for 2018-2020 in Ukraine, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The concept includes a detailed plan of digital development in such fields as digital...
Mapping of European donor financial contributions in Ukraine, based on 2017 OECD DAC data.
This note is a very brief presentation of the results of a study understaken under the HiQSTPE Project. A powerpoint presentation is also published on this website. Full texts of the three component reports of the study are being...