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Our guest in the latest episode of the 'Cup of Tea' podcast is Aline Brandstatter, MKS programme manager on behalf of DG INTPA/D4. 

Originally from France with Austrian origins, Aline has studied languages, Sciences Po and Turkish. After living and working extensively in several European countries, she explored international environments in Turkey and Costa Rica, where she had a first-hand encounter with cultures very different from what he knew until then. Aline has later joined the European Commission where she has been working for six years, holding positions related to neighborhood, environment and cooperation. She is currently responsible for the MKS program at D4. Fluent in Dutch, Turkish, Flemish, English, Spanish and Russian, she strongly believes in language as a gateway to understanding a culture.  In her interview, she quotes Nelson Mandela, who said that if you speak to a person in a language they understand, you are speaking to their head, but if you speak to them in their language, you are speaking to their heart.
She also elaborates on the importance of developing cultural sensitivity for the staff of an institution like the European Commission and EU Delegations highlighting the role, the support and the need for the programmes like InCA that help nurture those skills and knowledge about interculturality. 

Enjoy this last episode of the second InCA podcast series " Cup of tea" with Aline:

part 1

part 2