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The National School of Public Health of Rabat, Morocco has shared its expertise in scientific writing with the  School of Public Health in Lubumbashi ( ESP Unilu), from Democratic Republic of Congo.

Two researchers from the ENSP, Rabat, Dr Zakaria Belrhiti and Dr Chrifi Hassan, animated Six (6) days highly intensive training workshop between the 19thand the 25th April 2018 at the ESP Unilu. This activity is organized by RIPSEC, a program funded by the European Union.

This workshop aimed at developing core scientific competencies of 14 early career researchers (1) in scientific writing of qualitative, mixed method research and literature reviews (2) Managing bibliographic references.  Teaching aimed at offering participants with broad range of standardized reporting guidelines.

It was also an opportunity to sensitize participants to the importance and diversity of qualitative research and mixed methods research in policy making and evidence informed policy making. Lecturers shared with participants specific reporting guidelines for qualitative research as well as tips to get their research published.

This hands on training rely on highly participative action learning and mentorship. Participants will benefit from follow up mentorship sessions in order to submit their research to international peer review journals.

This workshop was also an opportunity to consolidate South-South collaboration between Moroccan and Congolese Schools of Public health that may be sustained beyond the RIPSEC Framework. Representatives from both institutions discussed common research and training agenda that may be institutionalized in the future.

Photo group of participants at the scientific writing workshop

Article written by Dr Zakaria Belrhiti on 30th April 2018