13. GCCA/GCCA+ projects fiches
This section provides project fiches for the GCCA/GCCA+ projects implemented between 2007 and 2023.
The fiches are available in English and French by clicking on the project title.
GCCA+GCCA+ National programmes
Belize – Enhancing Belize’s resilience to adapt to the effects of climate change
Cuba – GCCA+ Municipality of Martí: Towards a low-carbon sustainable development model
Cuba – Building Coastal Resilience in Cuba through Natural Adaptation Solutions
Guyana - Sustainable coastal zone protection through mangrove management
Haiti I: Support for the integration of climate change into Haiti's national development
Jamaica - Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
Suriname II - GCCA+ Support for Climate Change Adaptation
Benin - Fighting floods through the conservation and development of gallery forests, and providing reliable cartographic coverage for Benin
Burkina Faso Climate governance and sustainable decentralised forest management in Burkina Faso
Cape Verde - Building adaptive capacity and resilience of the forestry sector in Cape Verde
Chad I - Climate change adaptation and renewable energy development in Chad
Chad II - GCCA + Strengthening Climate Governance and Resilience in Chad
Comoros - Support for strengthening resilience to climate change
Djibouti I - Responding to climate change in the energy and water sectors in Djibouti
DRC - GCCA action to mainstream climate change in DRC: support for training and reforestation
Gambia II - GCCA+ climate resilient coastal and marine zone project for the Gambia
Lesotho - Support to the climate change response strategy Kingdom of Lesotho
Liberia - The EU-Liberia Climate Change Alliance +
Madagascar - GCCA + Madagascar: Building Capacity on Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation
Malawi - Global Climate Change Alliance - Malawi
Mali I - Global Climate Change Alliance in Mali (Phase 1)
Mali II - Global Climate Change Alliance Plus in Mali (GCCA+Mali - phase 2)
Maldives I - Support to climate change adaptation and mitigation
Mauritania I - GCCA Mauritania: supporting resilience in food security
Mauritania II - Mauritanian Alliance Against Climate Change (Phase 2)
Mauritius I - Global Climate Change Alliance
Mozambique II - GCCA+ Building Local Climate Resilience in Mozambique
Niger - Project to Support Climate Resilience for Sustainable Agricultural Development
Nigeria - GCCA+ Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme-NCCRP
Rwanda I - Sector budget support for environment and natural resources in Rwanda
Rwanda III - GCCA+ Reducing Climate Impact of cooking in Rwanda through improved cooking systems
São Tomé and Príncipe - GCCA Reducing climate vulnerability in São Tomé and Príncipe
Senegal I - Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Senegal II - Climate change and integrated coastal zone management in Senegal II (GCCA+)
Seychelles I - Seychelles Climate Change Support Programme
Sierra Leone - REDD+ capacity building in Sierra Leone (GCCA)
Sudan - Strengthening Local Communities Resilience to Climate Change in Sudan (GCCA+)
Tanzania I : Integrated approaches for climate change adaptation
Tanzania II - GCCA Tanzania: Integrated approaches for climate change adaptation
Togo - Combatting Climate Change in Togo (GCCA+ Togo)
Uganda I Adaptation to climate change
Uganda II - GCCA+ scaling-up agriculture adaptation to climate change in Uganda
Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF)
Bangladesh II : Enhancing communities resilience to climate change and related disasters
Bhutan I Climate change adaptation in the renewable natural resources sector in Bhutan (Phase 1)
Bhutan II Renewable Natural Resources Sector Programme 2 (RNRSP 2)
Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase 1
Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase II
Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase III
Lao PDR - Global Climate Change Alliance Programme
Myanmar I - Myanmar Climate Change Alliance - Phase I
Myanmar II - Myanmar Climate Change Alliance - Phase 2 (MCCA2)
Nepal - Nepal Climate Change Support Programme: Building Climate Resilience in Nepal
Samoa - GCCA Supporting climate change adaptation for the Samoan water sector
Solomon Islands Climate Assistance Programme (SICAP)
Timor Leste I - GCCA support programme
Timor-Leste II - GCCA+ Support to Timor-Leste Environment Action
Vanuatu - GCCA thematic support programme
Regional and multicountry programmes
Multi-country - EU Action for Sustainable Landscape Management
- Brazil and Paraguay - Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in the Cerrado Biome (AAP2019/SLM)
- Bolivia - Water as a connector for resilient landscapes in Bolivia (AAP2019/SLM)
- Burkina Faso Participatory management of sustainable development in the surroundings of PONASI landscape protected areas (AAP2019/SLM)
- Cambodia Integrated sustainable landscape management of the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve (AAP2019/SLM)
- Cameroon - North Cameroon Ecosystem: towards an integrated landscape approach (AAP2019/SLM)
- Chad - Ecosystem of the Central Chari Basin: towards an integrated landscape approach (AAP2019/SLM)
- Colombia - Supporting Colombia's new integrated approach to territorial governance in sustainable, productive and resilient landscapes (AAP2019/SLM)
- DRC - New Landscapes of Congo (AAP2019/SLM)
- Ecuador - Andean Landscapes: Promoting integrated landscape management for sustainable livelihoods in the Ecuadorian Andes (AAP2019/SLM)
- Ghana Landscapes and Environmental Agility across the Nation (AAP2019/SLM)
- Honduras - Climate for biodiversity: reducing supply chain deforestation (AAP2019/SLM)
- Jamaïca - Jamaican Path from Hills to Oceans (AAP2019/SLM)
- Kenya - Kenya Rangelands Ecosystem Services Productivity Programme (AAP2019/SLM)
- Lao PDR Ecosystem Conservation through Integrated Landscape Management (AAP2019/SLM)
- Mauritius - Mauritius from Ridge to Reef (AAP2019/SLM)
- OECS - Integrated landscape approaches and investments in sustainable land management in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (AAP2019/SLM)
- Papua New Guinea - Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in Enga Province Papua New Guinea (AAP2019/SLM)
- Senegal - Resilience and Intensive Reforestation Project for the Safeguard of Territories and Ecosystems in Senegal (AAP2019/SLM)
- Landscape management in São Tomé and Príncipe (AAP2019/SLM)
- Vietnam - Integrated sustainable landscape management (AAP2019/SLM)
- Timor-Leste - Maloa Urban Resilience Initiative (AAP2019/SLM)
- Zimbabwe - Sustainable Integrated Landscape Management of the Gonarezhou National Park and neighboring communities in SE Zimbabwe (AAP2019/SLM)