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Global Climate Change Alliance Plus Initiative - GCCA

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13. GCCA/GCCA+ projects fiches

This section provides project fiches for the GCCA/GCCA+ projects implemented between 2007 and 2023. 

The fiches are available in English and French by clicking on the project title.

GCCA+GCCA+ National programmes  


Belize – Enhancing Belize’s resilience to adapt to the effects of climate change

Cuba – GCCA+ Municipality of Martí: Towards a low-carbon sustainable development model

Cuba – Building Coastal Resilience in Cuba through Natural Adaptation Solutions

Dominican Republic – Building climate and disaster risk reduction resilience in Dominican Republic’s coastal- mountainous gradient

Guyana - Sustainable coastal zone protection through mangrove management

Haiti I: Support for the integration of climate change into Haiti's national development

Haiti II: Support programme of the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) for adaptation and development of green energy in Haiti

Jamaica - Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction 

Suriname I - GCCA+ Contributing towards the provision of new climate information and institutional governance

Suriname II - GCCA+ Support for Climate Change Adaptation 

Trinidad and Tobago - Support to the implementation of Trinidad and Tobago’s nationally determined contribution 


Benin - Fighting floods through the conservation and development of gallery forests, and providing reliable cartographic coverage for Benin

Burkina Faso Climate governance and sustainable decentralised forest management in Burkina Faso 

Cape Verde  - Building adaptive capacity and resilience of the forestry sector in Cape Verde

Chad I - Climate change adaptation and renewable energy development in Chad 

Chad II - GCCA + Strengthening Climate Governance and Resilience in Chad 

Comoros - Support for strengthening resilience to climate change

Djibouti I - Responding to climate change in the energy and water sectors in Djibouti 

Djibouti II - EU GCCA+ Djibouti: Strengthening climate resilience through integrated and sustainable treatment of Douda River waters

DRC - GCCA action to mainstream climate change in DRC: support for training and reforestation

Ethiopia I - Ethiopia Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA-E): Building the national capacity and knowledge on climate change resilient actions

Ethiopia II  - GCCA+ in Ethiopia: Mainstreaming of Climate Smart Planning and Implementation approaches into the Productive Safety Net Programme IV (PSNP IV)

Gambia - GCCA support project to The Gambia for integrated coastal zone management and the mainstreaming of climate change

Gambia II - GCCA+ climate resilient coastal and marine zone project for the Gambia

Guinea Bissau - GCCA+ in Guinea Bissau: building resilience to climate change through enhanced institutional and mitigation capacities

Ivory Coast - GCCA+ Promotion of intensive agroforestry systems in support of the implementation of the national strategy for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+)

Lesotho - Support to the climate change response strategy Kingdom of Lesotho

Liberia - The EU-Liberia Climate Change Alliance +

Madagascar - GCCA + Madagascar: Building Capacity on Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation

Malawi - Global Climate Change Alliance - Malawi

Mali I - Global Climate Change Alliance in Mali (Phase 1)

Mali II - Global Climate Change Alliance Plus in Mali (GCCA+Mali - phase 2)

Maldives I - Support to climate change adaptation and mitigation

Maldives II - EU Support to Implement the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) related to Green House Gas emissions in the Maldives

Mauritania I - GCCA Mauritania: supporting resilience in food security

Mauritania II - Mauritanian Alliance Against Climate Change (Phase 2)

Mauritius I - Global Climate Change Alliance

Mauritius II - GCCA + flagship initiative supporting climate smart agriculture for small holders in Mauritius

Mozambique I - Support Project to the Government of Mozambique for the mainstreaming of climate change into policies and strategies and to adapt to climate change impact

Mozambique II  - GCCA+ Building Local Climate Resilience in Mozambique

Namibia - GCCA+ Support on Coordination and Implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) for Namibia

Niger - Project to Support Climate Resilience for Sustainable Agricultural Development

Nigeria - GCCA+ Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme-NCCRP

Rwanda I - Sector budget support for environment and natural resources in Rwanda

Rwanda II - Sector reform contract to promote climate-proof investments by farmers through improved land administration and land use monitoring capacities at central and local government level in Rwanda

Rwanda III - GCCA+ Reducing Climate Impact of cooking in Rwanda through improved cooking systems 

São Tomé and Príncipe - GCCA Reducing climate vulnerability in São Tomé and Príncipe

Senegal I - Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Senegal II - Climate change and integrated coastal zone management in Senegal II (GCCA+)

Seychelles I - Seychelles Climate Change Support Programme 

Seychelles II - Continuing supporting implementation of the Seychelles National Climate Change Strategy (Phase II)

Sierra Leone - REDD+ capacity building in Sierra Leone (GCCA)

Sudan - Strengthening Local Communities Resilience to Climate Change in Sudan (GCCA+)

Tanzania I : Integrated approaches for climate change adaptation

Tanzania II - GCCA Tanzania: Integrated approaches for climate change adaptation

Togo - Combatting Climate Change in Togo (GCCA+ Togo)

Uganda I Adaptation to climate change 

Uganda II - GCCA+ scaling-up agriculture adaptation to climate change in Uganda

Uganda III - GCCA+ support to Uganda in the sectorial implementation of its NDC through Climate Smart Agriculture


Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF)

Bangladesh II : Enhancing communities resilience to climate change and related disasters

Bhutan I Climate change adaptation in the renewable natural resources sector in Bhutan (Phase 1)

Bhutan II Renewable Natural Resources Sector Programme 2 (RNRSP 2) 

Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase 1 

Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase II

Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase III

Lao PDR - Global Climate Change Alliance Programme

Myanmar I - Myanmar Climate Change Alliance - Phase I

Myanmar II - Myanmar Climate Change Alliance - Phase 2 (MCCA2)

Nepal - Nepal Climate Change Support Programme: Building Climate Resilience in Nepal

Sri Lanka - EU GCCA+ Support to the Implementation of Sri Lanka's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the

Industry Sector 


Papua New Guinea - Technical support to the PNG Forest Authority to implement a continuous and multi-purpose national forest inventory

Samoa - GCCA Supporting climate change adaptation for the Samoan water sector

Solomon Islands Climate Assistance Programme (SICAP)

Timor Leste I - GCCA support programme

Timor-Leste II - GCCA+ Support to Timor-Leste Environment Action

Vanuatu - GCCA thematic support programme

Regional and multicountry programmes

Pacific - Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) – Global Climate Change Alliance: Pacific Small Island States 

Mekong Lower Basin - Addressing ecosystem challenges through support to the Mekong River Commission’s Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI)

Eastern Caribbean - GCCA project on climate change adaptation and sustainable land management in the Eastern Caribbean 

Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL I) – Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Cambodia, Lao People’s Dem. Republic, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Solomon Islands

Multi-country - GCCA+ multi-country programme on sustainable cooling solutions & their contribution to the SDGs

Support to the GCCA through capacity building, community engagement and applied research in the Pacific - Phase II - Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu

AAP 2017: Replication and upscaling of GCCA climate actions via Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) at local level - Congo, (Democratic Republic of the), Samoa

GCCA+ scaling up Pacific Adaptation (GCCA+ SUPA) - Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nauru, Niue, Palau, Tonga, Tuvalu

Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL II) – Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Cambodia, Ghana, Lao People Dem. Republic, Lesotho, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Tanzania, Tuvalu, Uganda

Multi-country - EU Action for Sustainable Landscape Management

Sustainable agri-food systems (DeSIRA) – Brazil, Cameroon, Central America (regional), Colombia, Congo (Democratic Republic of the), Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Madagascar, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Zambia, Zimbabwe