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Global Climate Change Alliance Plus Initiative - GCCA

 Library items

11. How can I contribute to this group?

The objective of this group is to share information about climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable development and related topics. This a place for exchanging experiences, good practices and ideas.

In this group you will find:

- Relevant documents related to the issues of this group. You can find them in the group library, categorised by their geographical location, theme, type, year of publication and language.

- Presentations from various events held over the previous years (in the library and in the Multimedia Page).

- An Events calendar where you will find the dates of past and future events and their related documents.

- The blog used to post interesting news related to climate change and development. It can also be used to start a discussion.

What YOU can do in this group:

          • Acquire information on the GCCA's current projects around the world;
          • Upload documents you think the group might be interested in or find useful;
          • Post examples and updates about the projects you are in charge of;
          • Publish interviews of colleagues and other specialists involved in the programmes you are implementing;
            • Share the contents and videos of workshops;
            • Keep up to date with the news in the field of Climate Change and Sustainable Development by reading the blogs;
            • Comment theblogs and articles by giving your opinion or further information;
            • Use the calendar inorder to check the upcoming seminars or publish an event you are organising or which you think could be of interest for the rest of the group.

In case you need any help, you can use the Help & Guidance.

This is meant to be an interactive and collaborative platform.

We also need to make our work more visible. If you are working on something that is representative of the work of your Delegation on the field, please share it on this page or contact us.