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Team Europe Democracy Initiative - TED

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Working Group 3: Media and Digital

About the TED Network Working Group 3

The TED Network serves as an interface mechanism linking EU institutions, EU Member States (MS) and like-minded European organisations and networks. Its core mission is to facilitate collaboration efforts in democracy promotion and to improve joint programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of strategies and interventions. 

The TED Network operates through three distinct working groups (WGs), each dedicated to specific thematic priorities: (1) Accountability and Rule of Law (2) Political and Civic Participation and (3) Media and Digital.

Purpose and Expected Added Value

The Working Group 3 on Media and Digital aims to contribute to the promotion of democratic values in a world with increasing disinformation and repression of speech. Through partnership, innovation, and collective action, it strives to safeguard media independence, uphold human rights in the digital space, and foster informed and engaged citizenry, driving positive democratic change. 

WG3 aims to enhance understanding and cooperation on media independence and pluralism and digital democracy issues. It promotes information integrity, freedom of expression, and digital participation, contributing to democratic resilience. By sharing best practices, coordinating strategies, and fostering collaboration, it seeks to bolster media freedom and digital rights. 

Key Topics and Activities 

The TED Network Working Group on Media and Digital facilitates multi-stakeholder discussions and knowledge exchange in ​​media and digital democracy. Priority areas include safeguarding information integrity - with a focus on countering disinformation -, along with upholding the freedom of the press, expression, and human rights online while fostering digital democratic participation. 

Working group 3 aims to consolidate efforts, develop strategies, and reinforce principles to advance media independence and digital democracy. By enhancing coherence, impact, and collaboration, it seeks to strengthen democratic governance and protect fundamental freedoms in the digital age. 

Structure and Governance

A strength of Working Group 3 lies in its consultative structure, encouraging collaboration among EU MS, the European Commission and European civil society. This framework enables enhanced coordination and interlinkages between digital democracy, media freedom and pluralism initiatives. The WG comprises over 40 members from EU MS, EU institutions, and European CSOs, fostering inclusive decision-making and collaborative action. 

The WG Coordination Group is composed of EU MS Co-chairs, DG INTPA, and Thematic Leads, who oversee WG3's activities, ensuring alignment with objectives.

  • Co-chairs from Austria, Denmark, France, provide strategic guidance. 

  • DG INTPA offers institutional support and guidance. 

  • Thematic Leads from Global Forum for Media Development, Freedom Press Unlimited, Article19, provide expertise and direction.