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DG INTPA Strategic Foresight Hub

INTPA Strategic Foresight

Last Updated: 17 January 2025
In line with the European Commission’s embedding of Strategic Foresight in better policymaking, DG International Partnerships uses Foresight to shift our mind-set from the here-and-now (reactive) to future-in-the-making (anticipatory). In a world facing global challenges such as climate change, digital and green transitions, health emergencies, inflation, wars, power shifts and geopolitical tensions strategic foresight helps organisations like ours to anticipate long-term change to make better decisions in the present day. In this page you can find key resources such as the Youth4Foresight Toolkit.

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Youth4Foresight Toolkit

Welcome to the Youth4Foresight Toolkit 

Toolkit objective

Through the Youth Action Plan in EU external action (YAP) the EU builds a partnership with young people worldwide by engaging, empowering, and connecting them through various processes and actions. The toolkit supports the implementation of the YAP, in particular the commitments to increase the voice and leadership of young people, promote their involvement in the EU external policies and actions, as well as to enhance institutional capacity and expertise of EU staff on how to engage with young people.

Foresight offers a method for positive engagement beyond the focus on past or current issues, fostering creativity and providing alternatives to current paradigms. Using foresight tools can help to integrate youth perspectives into EU external action, focusing on desired futures, transition pathways and trends. Embedding strategic foresight in EU policy making is in line with the objectives of Better Regulation Agenda and highlighted in the 2024 Communication on the European Year of Youth 2022.

Toolkit target audience

EU colleagues and experts who engage with young people as part of the EU external action (such as Youth Sounding Boards at EU Delegation level, youth organisations, and any other kind of youth advisory structures at local or national level)

We recommend you to start your journey by reading the Introduction to the Toolkit 
available in English (Spanish, Portuguese and French coming soon)

Toolkit contents

Have you already used the toolkit? We would love to hear about your experience!