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Business Environment Reform

Results and Indicators for Development
Jobs & Growth



Broad-based economic growth is essential for long-term sustainable and socially-inclusive development. The EU Commission supports sustainable and inclusive growth and creation of decent jobs for all. In partner countries, EU support aim to improve investment climate that includes the use of structured dialogue with the private sector and encourage increased trade and investments as outlined communications such as the New European Consensus on Development (2017), A Stronger Role of the Private Sector in Achieving Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Countries and the 2017 Aid for Trade Communication.

The recently launched External Investment Plan provides a comprehensive and integrated approach, linking investment mobilisation (including the innovative use of guarantees for the first time), with technical assistance and support to improve investment climate. In addition, the Sustainable Business for Africa platform is rolled out to increase structured dialogue with the private sector.

The desired impact/overall impact of actions is increased sustainable inclusive economic growth with improved livelihoods and decent employments (more and better jobs). These are linked directly to the Sustainable Development Goals on 8, 9, 12, 17 and 1 (Decent work and Economic Growth; Industry, innovation and infrastructure; Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships and No poverty) as well contribution to all 17 SDGs. The results chain presented here is structured around the EU approach to enhance trade and investment climate, specially focused on the business environment reform dimension.

EU aid complements and tries to make the most of other Commission trade policy measures in favour of developing countries, although the Commission's trade policies are outside of the scope of this results chain.

Policy and Strategic Documents

Related SDGs

No poverty_SDG
1. No Poverty
Decent Work And Economic Growth_SDG
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure_SDG
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Responsible Consumption And Production_SDG
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
Partnerships For The Goals - SDG
17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal