Results and Indicators
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: National strategies and programmes on preventing and responding to violent extremism are developed |
Number of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) representatives participating in the strategy development thanks to EU support (disaggregated by sex)
Data Source:
Database of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) representatives whose engagement the EU-funded intervention facilitated
Additional Information:
Number of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) participating in the strategy development thanks to EU support
Data Source:
Database of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) whose engagement the EU-funded intervention facilitated
Additional Information:
Number of Ministries providing inputs for development of a strategy on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) thanks to EU support
Data Source:
Ministry/agency administrative data and reports
Additional Information:
Status of the national strategy on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Meeting minutes and draft strategy from the work groups for National Strategy/Roadmap/Guidance on CVE, progress reports.
Additional Information:
This indicator is appropriate at output level if the EU-funded intervention will support the government in drafting the National Strategy/Roadmap/Guidance on countering violent extremism (please adjust as needed). The Strategy should be aligned with human rights. |
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: Preventing and countering Violent Extremism capacities of key national and local authorities and Civil Society organizations are strengthened |
Number of individuals from key national and local authorities and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) trained by the EU-funded intervention who increased their knowledge and/or skills for preventing and countering violent extremism (disaggregated by sex and sector) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Database of training participants Pre- and post-training test reports
Additional Information:
Please specify training topics and target participants as much as possible. If monitoring capacity is limited or the context is fragile, this indicator could be simplified to monitor only the number of persons trained (without referring to an increase in knowledge and/or skills). However, in order to ensure the quality of training and the achievement of the desired result, it is recommended to assess the knowledge of participants before and after the intervention whenever possible. |
Status of development of training curricula on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)
Data Source:
Curriculum/training material
Additional Information:
This indicator is appropriate if the EU-funded intervention will support the development of training curricula on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). Please specify the target audience for training curricila (i.e. policy makers, police, teachers).
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: Countering Violent Extremism dialogue opportunities between key state and non-state actors are facilitated |
Existence of a Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) dialogue platform established thanks to EU support
Data Source:
Intervention reports
Notes from meetings, consultations
Additional Information:
Please provide also information on platform type and functioning.
Number of state and non-state organisations exchanging information on countering violent extremism with support of the EU-funded intervention (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Database of beneficiaries/participants
Additional Information:
The indicator measures the number of organisations at national and local levels participating in exchanges (meetings, consultations, public events, etc.) supported by the EU-funded intervention. |
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: Strengthened media actors’ capacities to prevent and address violent extremism |
Number of alternative media messages developed with support of the EU-funded intervention to counter violent extremism narratives
Data Source:
Database of developed documents (media messages)
Additional Information:
Number of journalists, editors and other credible messengers trained by the EU-funded intervention with increased knowledge and/or skills for strategic communication for challenging online and offline violent extremist propaganda (disaggregated by sex and media type) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Database of beneficiaries/participants Pre- and post-training test reports
Additional Information:
Please specify training topics and media type. If you wish to monitor and engage with other credible messengers, such as community leaders or youth, please identify who the target groups are. If monitoring capacity is limited or the context is fragile, this indicator could be simplified to monitor only the number of persons trained (without referring to an increase in knowledge and/or skills). However, in order to ensure the quality of training and the achievement of the desired result, it is recommended to assess the knowledge of participants before and after the intervention whenever possible. |
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: Vocational and life skills of vulnerable groups and at risk individuals are strengthened |
Number of individuals at risk for radicalisation with improved vocational and life skills thanks to EU support (disaggregated by sex) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Database of beneficiaries/participants Pre- and post-training test reports
Additional Information:
Please identify the "at risk" groups in the local context. If monitoring capacity is limited or the context is fragile, this indicator could be simplified to monitor only the number of persons trained (without referring to an increase in knowledge and/or skills). However, in order to ensure the quality of training and the achievement of the desired result, it is recommended to assess the knowledge and skills of participants before and after the intervention whenever possible. |
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: “At risk” individuals are provided with mentoring and religious guidance |
Number of individuals 'at risk' for radicalisation reached by mentoring and religious guidance (disaggregated by sex) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Database of beneficiaries/participants
Additional Information:
Please define the 'at risk' groups in the local context. |
Number of initiatives with local community actors and religious leaders supported by the EU to provide mentoring and guidance to individuals at risk of radicalisation and violent extremism (disaggregated by type of initiative)
Data Source:
Mentoring and guidance records
Additional Information:
Please define the 'at risk' groups in the local context and describe types of initiatives.
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: Public awareness is raised about the risks of joining extremist groups |
Number of people reached by awareness raising activities on the risks of joining extremist groups, thanks EU support (disaggregated by sex)
Data Source:
Press clipping analysis, event records, online analytics reports
Additional Information:
For each type of awareness raising activity please use specialized methodology. For the traditional media, press clipping and estimates of media reach may be used, for online campaings - online analytics, and for the direct contacts and events - attendance of the events and number of direct contacts.
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Key state (governance and security), media and non-state actors at national and community levels prevent and address violent extremism |
Amount of national funding dedicated to Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)
Data Source:
National budget (and possibly a specialized study of the budget to identify all CVE funding)
Additional Information:
As there may not be a single budget line for CVE, this indicator may require a specialized study of the budget.
Existence of agency or unit dedicated to Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)
Data Source:
National statistical report
Ministry/agency administrative data and reports
Additional Information:
Extent to which national and local media actors or other credible messengers, challenge violent extremist propaganda through their online and offline reporting/communications (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
The trust and credibility questions related to media actors and other credible messengers may be included in the survey since they can provide insight in the effectiveness. |
Number of investigations of violent extremism (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Reports by CVE units and prosecution offices Ministry/agency administrative data and reports
Additional Information:
Please specify the institutions (or at least the types of institutions) carrying out the investigations. |
Number of Ministries that take responsibilities for implementation of activities foreseen in the national strategy on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)
Data Source:
National statistical report
Ministry/agency administrative data and reports
Additional Information:
Number of non-state actors at national and community level active in preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), representatives (disaggregated by sex)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
The actors include civil society organizations, media, religious/community leaders or other relevant actors - please specify the key actors in the local context.
Number of police stations and prisons having a focal point on preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)
Data Source:
National statistical report
Ministry/agency administrative data and reports
Additional Information:
Percentage of prisons addressing violent extremism by managing prisoners and preventing the spreading of violent extremism among the prison population, out of the total number of prisons
Data Source:
Reports from prisons (possibly collected through baseline and endline surveys to be commissioned by the EU-funded intervention)
Additional Information:
If the relevant line ministry does not have data, the EU-funded intervention may need to commission a survey of prisons.
GERF 2.23/EURF 2.29 - Number of state institutions and non-state actors supported on security, border management, countering violent extremism, conflict prevention, protection of civilian population and human rights (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Intervention M&E system
Additional Information:
The indicator refers to the number of different state institutions and non-state actors supported in their work in the areas of security, including border management, justice, conflict prevention, countering violent extremism, protection of civilians in crisis situations and safeguarding of human rights. The supported organisations may include the following: Reinforcing human security aims at ensuring the safety/preservation of the population's basic rights in areas at risk of conflict by enhancing for instance access to justice. It is understood to be the implementation of activities in support of all stakeholders contributing either directly (justice actors, gendarmerie, police) or indirectly (women, youth, community organizations, etc.) to the stability of a given area. It may include the following. Examples of support provided to the work of state and non-state organisations may include capacity building (e.g. support to draft strategies and policies, training aimed at more effective and efficient operations or increased knowledge in the areas of justice, security, border management, preventing violent extremism, conflict prevention, protection of civilian population in crisis situations and safeguarding of and human rights), direct operational support (e.g. provision of equipment, services and infrastructures to internal security forces, support to regional/international human rights/legal institutions such as OHCHR, regional human rights mechanisms or International Criminal Court, etc), or budget support (financial assistance on the basis of specific security indicators that are negotiated with the concerned authorities). |
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Individuals identified as “at risk” demonstrate more desirable attitudes and behaviors |
Percentage of targeted individuals who feel marginalized (disaggregated by sex and age)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
Please define the targeted individuals in the local context.
Number of individuals from targeted communities who engage in activities aiming to counter and prevent violent extremism (disaggregated by sex and age)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Database of beneficiaries
Additional Information:
Percentage of 'at risk' individuals claiming violence is not a legitimate expression of religion (disaggregated by sex and age) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
Please define the 'at risk' groups in the local context. Sensitive questions about violent extremism should be carefully phrased and adjusted to the context. Softening questions or asking indirectly may help elicit answers and reduce the rate of nonresponse. |
Result | Indicator(s) |
Impact: To reduce incidents of violent extremism and support for such acts |
Number of incidents of violent extremism in the target country/region/city, per year
Data Source:
National statistical report
Ministry/agency administrative data and reports
Additional Information:
Please further clarifiy what kind of incidents are specifically measured. For further information on violent extremism definition please see:…
Country score in the Global Terrorism Index (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Global Terrorism Index, Institute for Economics and Peace,
Additional Information:
The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) is a report published annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). The index provides a comprehensive summary of the key global trends and patterns in terrorism since 2000. |
Level of presence of extremist groups in the target area
Data Source:
National statistical report
International public records
Additional Information:
Percentage of people thinking violence is not a mean to reach political objectives and are against the support to violent groups (disaggregated by sex)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Individuals identified as “at risk” demonstrate more desirable attitudes and behaviors |
Percentage of radicalised individuals and violent extremist offenders rehabilitated thanks to the EU-funded intervention, who reintegrated into social and family life (disaggregated by sex and age) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
Please identify the target group in the local context, specify what type of integration is being monitored (i.e. social/community life, family life, employment, or other), as well as how each sphere will be assessed (in other words, what factors will tell us when a person has been successfully reintegrated into their community or family). |
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: Preventing and countering Violent Extremism capacities of key national and local authorities and Civil Society organizations are strengthened |
GERF 2.23/EURF 2.29 - Number of state institutions and non-state actors supported on security, border management, countering violent extremism, conflict prevention, protection of civilian population and human rights (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems:
Additional Information:
For full details on methodology on EURF 2.29, please visit The indicator refers to the number of different state institutions and non-state actors supported in their work in the areas of security, including counter violent extremism. Please focus here on counter violent extremism and pay attention to avoid double counting the same organisations as beneficiaries of one or different EU-funded interventions. |
Result | Indicator(s) |
Impact: To reduce incidents of violent extremism and support for such acts |
FPI.IcSP - Number of individuals recruited into terrorist or violent extremist groups or radicalised to support the violent activities of terrorist groups
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Key state (governance and security), media and non-state actors at national and community levels prevent and address violent extremism |
FPI.IcSP - Number of targeted communities who feel that the EU-funded Action has reduced the risk of radicalisation of members of their community
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP). It can be expressed as a number or as a percentage but not as both. In case of use of percentage, an estimated total number of the targeted population group needs to be known.
FPI.IcSP - Extent to which members of targeted community feel connected or trusting of neighbours and government
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP). Extent could be measured for example according to a scale going from “to a large extent†to “to a limited extent†to “not at allâ€.
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Individuals identified as “at risk” demonstrate more desirable attitudes and behaviors |
FPI.IcSP - Number of ‘at-risk’ individuals claiming to acknowledge the legitimacy of the government
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP). It can be expressed as a number or as a percentage but not as both. In case of use of percentage, an estimated total number of the targeted population group needs to be known.
FPI.IcSP - Number of ‘at-risk’ individuals understanding religious/idological doctrines to be subject to a number of different interpretations (i.e. critical thinking)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP). It can be expressed as a number or as a percentage but not as both. In case of use of percentage, an estimated total number of the targeted population group needs to be known.
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: Preventing and countering Violent Extremism capacities of key national and local authorities and Civil Society organizations are strengthened |
FPI.IcSP - Number of front line practitioners trained to identify signs of radicalisation at an early stage
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).
FPI.IcSP - Number of relevant authorities or entities trained to deliver narratives that counter violent extremists' propaganda/appeal
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).
FPI.IcSP - Number of social/civic organisations/entities operating in targeted community
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).
Result | Indicator(s) |
Output: “At risk” individuals are provided with mentoring and religious guidance |
FPI.IcSP - Number of groups engaged in inter-faith dialogues/communication channels
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).
FPI.IcSP - Number of individuals engaged in inter-faith dialogues/communication channels
Data Source:
Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
This indicator is included in the list of FPI core indicators for the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).