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Results & Indicators

Results and Indicators for Development

The guidance on thematic results and indicators covers DG INTPA strategies in various sectors, aiming to enhance the quality of our interventions – in terms of design, monitoring in the course of implementation. It also aims to promote the use of standardized information across European Union-funded interventions in partner countries. DG INTPA unit in charge of monitoring results (D.4) and thematic units developed the guidance.

Search thematic indicators

In the table below you can find all indicators included in all thematic Results and Indicators for Development guidance. This table serves as a searching engine for users to facilitate and speed up the search of the indicators suggested in the guidance. The sector indicators listed in the table are examples of measurable indicators associated to each result statement provided in the different guidance, that may be used in Logframe Matrices at project / programme level. These sectorial indicators draw on specific sectorial documents and on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Gender Action Plan (GAP III), Global Europe Results Framework (GERF), NDICI Regulation, FPI Performance Framework, IPA III Results Framework among others. Many of these indicators are flagged as “Core indicators” because they are part of the core indicators in OPSYS. Click here for more information about the core indicators available in OPSYS.

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Results (2901)
Indicator Name Indicator Description Gender Sensitive Type Value Unit of Measure Quality Type Result Level(s) DAC Sector(s) Disaggregation Criteria Source(s) of Data Context Indicator Codes Groups of indicators Corporate
Prevalence of wasting among children under 5 years of age by sex (SDG indicator 2.2.2)

Wasting is defined as: weight for height

No Quantitative Percentage 122; 112 Sex (female, male, intersex)
Gender ( Woman/girl, Man/boy, Non-binary, Prefer not to say) (WHO-UNICEF-World Bank)
SDG Reporting on indicator 2.2.2:

INTPA/NEAR Nutrition(Nutri); SDG 02 indicators(SDG 2)
Volume of ODA funding towards Nutrition (by donor and by recipient country) (OPSYS core indicator) Currency

OECD ODA Reporting

Donors4Nutrition Results for Development charts individual countries’ ODA and provides a breakdown of current donor financing for nutrition.

Status of a budgeted national multi-sector plan/strategy for nutrition | Xavier

Score for this indicator will have to be based on an expert assessment (by Unit C1), and there need to be clear assessment criteria (agreed with partner countries) – for example as part of the update of Nutrition country fiches

No Qualitative Qualitative Status of 122; 112 No

Monitored by DEVCO HQ (C1)
Nutrition country fiche

INTPA/NEAR Nutrition(Nutri); SDG 02 indicators(SDG 2)
Value or quantity of smallholders sales by sex No Quantitative Numeric Currency No

Project M&E system

Prevalence of waterborne diseases by sex

Please define your target population for measurement before the start of the programme

No Quantitative Percentage Percentage 122; 112 Sex (female, male, intersex)
Gender ( Woman/girl, Man/boy, Non-binary, Prefer not to say)

DHS - Maternal and Child Health
National statistics

INTPA/NEAR Nutrition(Nutri)
SDG 2.2.3 Prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women (OPSYS core indicator) Percentage

National statistics or estimates , if available

The World Bank has a database, but last data available date back to 2011

WHO- Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) : a database on biomarkers of vitamin and mineral nutrition in populations, including anaemia, iodine, iron, and vitamin A deficiencies. A new version of the database is expected for end of December 2016.

The DHS programme includes an indicator on the prevalence of anaemia in women aged 15-49

Prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies (vitamin A, zinc, iron, and iodine) among women of reproductive age and/or children (OPSYS core indicator) Percentage

 Data from the National health information system, if available


Minimum Dietary Diversity - Women - Proportion of women of reproductive age (15-49 years) have consumed at least five good groups (based on the MDD-W methodology)

MDD-C definitions and methodology can be found at Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women: A guide to measurement. FAO and FANTA III, 2016.
Please define your target population for measurement before the start of the programme

No Quantitative Percentage Percentage 122; 112 Sex (female, male, intersex)
Gender ( Woman/girl, Man/boy, Non-binary, Prefer not to say)


INTPA/NEAR Nutrition(Nutri)
Minimum Dietary Diversity Proportion of children 6–23 months of age who receive foods from 4 or more food groups (based the MDD-C methodology) by sex (OPSYS core indicator) Percentage

From national statistics (currently under development by FAO and piloted by USAID)

Minimum Acceptable Diet (MAD): Proportion of children 6–23 months of age who receive a minimum acceptable diet (apart from breast milk) based on MAD methodology by sex (OPSYS core indicator) Percentage

UNICEF Data on Child Nutrition - Infant and Young Child Feeding

DHS - Maternal and Child Nutrition

Number of hectares of where land management practices has been introduced with EU support.

Sustainable land management practices encompass a vast array of agricultural techniques. Although non exhaustive, the main practices to be considered are: i)Rational use of mineral fertilisers, ii)Integrated pest management, iii)Improved soil organic matter, iv)Grassland development, improvement and rehabilitation, v)Management of crop rotation, vi)Cultivation of green cover crops, vii)Rainwater harvesting, vii)Irrigation, viii)Agroforestry (land-use systems and practices where woody perennials are deliberately integrated with crops and/or animals on the same land management unit).
Conservation agriculture (combination of minimum mechanical soil disturbance, managing the top soil to create a permanent organic soil cover, and crop rotation with more than two crop species). (EURF Level 2 Indicator 6)

No Quantitative Numeric Hectare No

Project M&E system

Proportion of children under one year old fully immunised (Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, DTP3, immunization) by sex (OPSYS core indicator) Percentage

WHO-UNICEF estimates (


Number of hectares where land managed using a) improved technologies and b) improved management practices No Quantitative Numeric Hectare 150; 151; 430 No

FAO and national research system statistics, as well as project M&E system

INTPA/NEAR Resilience; Conflict Sensitivity and Peace(Resilience) ;
Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services by sex (SDG 6.1.1) No Quantitative Percentage Percentage of population 122; 112 Sex (female, male, intersex)
Gender ( Woman/girl, Man/boy, Non-binary, Prefer not to say)

INTPA/NEAR Nutrition(Nutri); SDG 06 indicators(SDG 6)
Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water by sex (SDG 6.2.1) No Quantitative Percentage Percentage of population 122; 112 Sex (female, male, intersex)
Gender ( Woman/girl, Man/boy, Non-binary, Prefer not to say)

INTPA/NEAR Nutrition(Nutri); SDG 06 indicators(SDG 6) No
Total volume crop production

These indicators might relate to national/regional or on-farm production/yield/crop diversification.

No Quantitative Numeric Tones/kgs No

Project M&E system

Average crop yield

These indicators might relate to national/regional or on-farm production/yield/crop diversification.

No Quantitative Numeric Kg/hectare 310; 311; 312; 430 No

Project M&E system

INTPA/NEAR Sustainable Aquatic and Agri-Food Systems(SAAFS)
Prices of specific foods of interest (context-specific) No Quantitative Numeric Currency No

Market / Price Information System when they exist. Prices of staple foods are often monitored (e.g. WFP: and FAO:

Cost of a healthy diet

At the moment the cost of a healthy diet is only addressed by the Save the Children methodology.……

No Quantitative Numeric Currency 122; 112 No

Project M&E system

INTPA/NEAR Nutrition(Nutri)
Total quantity of targeted nutrient-rich value chain commodities (produced by beneficiaries) that is set aside for home consumption

A commodity is defined as nutrient-rich if it meets any of the following criteria:
1. Is bio-fortified
2. Is a legume, nut or seed
3. Is an animal-sourced food, including dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), eggs, organ meat, flesh foods, and other miscellaneous small animal protein (e.g. grubs, insects)
4. Is a dark yellow or orange-fleshed root or tuber
5. Is a fruit or vegetable that meets the threshold for being a “high source” of one or more micronutrients on a per 100 gram basis.
A useful of list of commodities under criteria 2 through 4 may be found in the WHO document: Indicators for assessing infant and young child feeding practices, Part 2, Measurement. (USAID Feed the Future Indicator Handbook p. 97)

No Quantitative Numeric Number of commodities 122; 112 No

Project M&E system

INTPA/NEAR Nutrition(Nutri)