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Security Sector Reform

Results and Indicators for Development
Peace and Security

Results and Indicators

Result Indicators
To ensure human security
at individual and community level
Number of robberies per 1,000 residents
(Number of)
Data Source:

Ministry/agency administrative data and reports

Additional Information

Please further define robbery in accordance with the national legislation. 

Incidence of misdemeanour offences per capita
(Number of)
Data Source:

Ministry/agency administrative data and reports

Additional Information

Please further define misdemeanour in accordance with the national legislation. 

Number of terrorist attacks designated as such by the government of the country
(Number of)
Data Source:

Government press releases
ACLED Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project,
Uppsala Conflict Data Program, 

Additional Information

Please provide the definition used for categorization of the terrorist attacks. 

SDG 16.1.1. Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population (disaggregated by sex and age)
(Number of)
Data Source:

National sources:  a) criminal justice system and; b) public health/civil registration.  
International sources:  UNODC and WHO:

Additional Information

SDG Indicator 16.1.1 (Tier I). This indicator is widely used at national and international level to measure the most extreme form of violent crime and it also provides a direct indication of lack of security. It is calculated as the total number of victims of intentional homicide recorded in a given year divided by the total resident population in the same year, multiplied by 100,000. For a detailed methodology of the SDG indicator please see:

SDG 16.1.2. Number of conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population (disaggregated by sex, age and cause)
(Number of)
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database,

Additional Information

SDG Indicator 16.1.2. Tear II. This indicator is defined as the total count of conflict-related deaths divided by the total population, expressed per 100,000 population.
‘Conflict’ is defined as ‘armed conflict’ in reference to a terminology enshrined in International Humanitarian Law (IHL), and applied to situations based on the assessment of the United Nations (UN) and other internationally mandated entities.  ‘Conflict-related deaths’ refers to direct and indirect deaths associated to armed conflict.  ‘Population’ refers to total resident population in a given situation of armed conflict included in the indicator, in a given year. Population data are derived from annual estimates produced by the UN Population Division. 
For further information on the indicator, please see:

EURF - Country ranking according to the Rule of Law Dimension of the Worldwide Governance Indicators
Data Source:

World Bank Report on Rule of Law

Additional Information

This is an EURF Level 1 indicator. The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories over the period 1996–2016, for six dimensions of governance: Voice and Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, Control of Corruption. 
Rule of Law captures perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence.

Country ranking according to the Political Stability and Absence of Violence Dimension of the Worldwide Governance Indicators
Data Source:

World Bank Report on Political Stability and Absence of Violence Dimension

Additional Information

The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories over the period 1996–2016, for six dimensions of governance: Voice and Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, Control of Corruption. 
Political Stability and Absence of Violence measures perceptions of the likelihood of political instability and/or politically-motivated violence, including terrorism. Higher values corresponding to better governance outcomes.

Security Apparatus Country Score according to the Fragile State Index
Data Source:

Fund for Peace, Fragile State Index

Additional Information

The Fragile States Index, developed in 2005 by a United States think-tank, the Fund for Peace, and the magazine Foreign Policy, is an annual ranking of 178 nations based on their levels of stability and the pressures they face. The Index is based on The Fund for Peace’s proprietary Conflict Assessment System Tool (CAST) analytical platform. The ranking is based on total scores in a number of dimensions, such as demographic pressure, uneven economics development and others, for which there are also specific scores.
Based on comprehensive social science methodology, data from three primary sources is triangulated and subjected to critical review to obtain final scores for the Fragile States Index.
The security apparatus should have a monopoly on use of legitimate force. The social contract is weakened where affected by competing groups. Includes pressures and measures related to: Security Apparatus, Internal Conflict, Small Arms Proliferation, Riots and Protests, Fatalities from Conflict, Military Coups, Rebel Activity, Militancy, Bombings, Political Prisoners.

Human Rights and Rule of Law Country Score according to the Fragile State Index
Data Source:

 Fund for Peace, Fragile State Index

Additional Information

The Fragile States Index, developed in 2005 by a United States think-tank, the Fund for Peace, and the magazine Foreign Policy, is an annual ranking of 178 nations based on their levels of stability and the pressures they face. The Index is based on The Fund for Peace’s proprietary Conflict Assessment System Tool (CAST) analytical platform. The ranking is based on total scores in a number of dimensions, such as demographic pressure, uneven economics development and others, for which there are also specific scores.
Based on comprehensive social science methodology, data from three primary sources is triangulated and subjected to critical review to obtain final scores for the Fragile States Index.
When human rights are violated or unevenly protected, the state is failing in its ultimate responsibility. The Human Rights and Rule of Law score includes pressures and measures related to: Press Freedom, Civil Liberties, Political Freedoms, Human Trafficking, Political Prisoners, Incarceration, Religious Persecution, Torture and Executions.

Group Grievances Country Score according to the Fragile State Index
Data Source:

Fund for Peace's - Fragile State Index

Additional Information

The Fragile States Index, developed in 2005 by a United States think-tank, the Fund for Peace, and the magazine Foreign Policy, is an annual ranking of 178 nations based on their levels of stability and the pressures they face. The Index is based on The Fund for Peace’s proprietary Conflict Assessment System Tool (CAST) analytical platform. The ranking is based on total scores in a number of dimensions, such as demographic pressure, uneven economics development and others, for which there are also specific scores.
Based on comprehensive social science methodology, data from three primary sources is triangulated and subjected to critical review to obtain final scores for the Fragile States Index. 
The Group Grievance is one of the sub-indicator of the Fragile State Index. It includes pressures and measures related to: Discrimination, Powerlessness, Ethnic Violence, Communal Violence, Sectarian Violence and Religious Violence.

Order and Security Country Score according to the World Justice Project
Data Source:

WJP World Justice Project  - Order and Security

Additional Information

Factor 5 - Order and Security measures how well the society assures the security of persons and property. This factor includes three dimensions that cover various threats to order and security: crime (5.1 particularly conventional crime), political violence (5.2 including terrorism, armed conflict, and political unrest), and violence as a socially acceptable means to redress personal grievances (5.3 vigilante justice). 

Fundamental Rights Country Score according to the World Justice Project
Data Source:

WJP World Justice Project  - Rule of Law Index

Additional Information

The World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index is the world’s leading source for original data on the rule of law. The 2016 edition covers 113 countries and jurisdictions, relying on more than 100,000 household and expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced in practical, everyday situations by the general public worldwide. Factor 4- Fundamental Rights of the Rule of Law Index measures the protection of fundamental human rights. It encompasses adherence to the following fundamental rights: effective enforcement of laws that ensure equal protection,  the right to life and security of the person (possibly the most relevant one for SSR ADs),  due process of law and the rights of the accused,  freedom of opinion and expression , freedom of belief and religion, the right to privacy, freedom of assembly and association, and fundamental labour rights, including the right to collective bargaining, the prohibition of forced and child labour, and the elimination of discrimination.

Country status as fragile according to the OECD Fragility Index
Data Source:
Additional Information

The OECD characterises fragility as the accumulation and combination of risks combined with insufficient capacity by the state, system, and/or communities to manage it, absorb it, or mitigate its consequences; the approach is based on the five dimensions deemed most relevant for measuring and identifying fragility: economic, environmental, political, security and societal. Each dimension is evaluated according to a number of indicators that measure the most important facets of risks and coping capacities relevant to fragility. The overall value or disaggregated values for one of the dimensions can be looked at, depending on needs. The scale for dimensions is divided in five segments between severe and minor. 
NB: In the States of Fragility Report, the OECD provides a list with countries that are considered fragile to varying degrees in the 5 different dimensions (rather than a ranking of countries). So, at impact level, the indicator would be: "country status as a fragile state" [yes/no]. Only the 56 countries that are identified as fragile are included in the report, so this indicator can be used for a sub-set of partner countries.

Country based Security Perception Indexes
Data Source:

National Surveys
Expert assessments
National statistical report

Additional Information

It is advisable to refer to country based Perception Indexes when available.

Result Indicators
Specific Objective - Outcome
Enhanced reconciliation and
reintegration into the communities
of ex-combatants in post-conflict
and fragile context
Percentage of ex-combatants who were effectively integrated into their communities, out of the number of ex-combatants having abandoned an armed group who received support from the EU intervention (disaggregated by sex and age) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Baseline and endline community surveys to be conducted by the EU-funded intervention

Additional Information

Please define what "effectively integrated" means in the local context, i.e. finding employment, finding a fixed residence. Data collection in this field is sensitive and methodology and implementation of the baseline and endline surveys should be adjusted accordingly.

Number of ex-combatants having abandoned an armed group (disaggregated by sex and age)
(Number of)
Data Source:

Baseline and endline community surveys conducted by the EU-funded intervention

Additional Information

Community and religious leaders may be a good source of information for collecting data. Data collection in this field is sensitive and methodology and implementation of survey should be adjusted accordingly.

Result Indicators
Specific Objective - Outcome
Reduced crime rates related directlyto physical safety, incl. humantrafficking, kidnappings, homicides,assaults, armed robberies, SGBV,etc.
SDG 16.1.1. Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population (disaggregated by sex and age)
Data Source:

Database of training participants; pre- and post-training tests

Additional Information

SDG Indicator 16.1.1 (Tier I). This indicator is widely used at national and international level to measure the most extreme form of violent crime and it also provides a direct indication of lack of security. It is calculated as the total number of victims of intentional homicide recorded in a given year divided by the total resident population in the same year, multiplied by 100,000. For a detailed methodology of the SDG indicator please see:

Proportion of population that feel safe walking alone around the area they live
Data Source:

UNODC data portal,

Additional Information

SDG Indicator 16.1.4. Tier II. This indicator refers to the proportion of the population (adults) who feel safe walking alone in their neighbourhood.

Percentage of migrants held in detention centres while their asylum claims are being assessed (disaggregated by sex and age)
Data Source:

Baseline and endline Ministry of Interior records requested by the EU-funded intervention
International sources:

SDG 16.2.2. Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population (disaggregated by sex, age and form of exploitation)
(Number of)
Data Source:

National sources: national authorities competent in detecting trafficking victims, law enforcement institutions, or services assisting the victims.
International sources: UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons every two years.

Additional Information

SDG indicator 16.2.2 (Tier I). The indicator will be calculated as the ratio between the sum of detected and undetected victims of trafficking and the population resident in the country, multiplied by 100,000, For a detailed methodology of the SDG indicator please see: