At the European Development Days (EDD) 2019, Capacity4dev spoke to representatives from the fashion industry to find out what the next steps are for ethical fashion, and the challenges and opportunities that will come with them...
The exact dates and more information on the topics will follow. For questions relating to the EU-Nigeria Business Forum , please email Updated on 06/12/2023
Dates are TBC. More information on the topics will follow. For questions relating to the EU-Nepal Business Forum, please email Updated on 22/02/2024
Registrations are open online . Sectors: farming, food processing, packaging, logistics. For questions relating to the 2nd Iraqi National Trade Forum, please email or
EBSOMED (Enhancing Business Support Organisations and Business Networks in the Southern Neighbourhood) is project co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED (Union of Mediterranean Confederations of
Better Work is an alliance to improve working conditions, business practices and environmental sustainability in the garment industry. The launch event featured Marjeta Jager, Deputy Director General for DG INTPA and Cécile...
La Fabrique, premier incubateur dédié à l'accompagnement d'entreprises sociales en Afrique de l'Ouest, a rédigé une note analytique composé d'une revue littéraire sur LES EVOLUTIONS DES MECANISMES DE DEVELOPPEMENT VIS-A-VIS DU...
The Knowledge Management for Development Journal (KM4D Journal) is currently inviting papers for an upcoming special issue on the private sector in knowledge for development, to be published in September 2020. The journal is an...
Agriculture & Rural Development
Agriculture value chains and commodities
Rural development
Knowledge Management
Good practices
Knowledge management
Knowledge sharing
Lesson learned and case studies
Private Sector
Certification and standards
Corporate social entreprises
Informal economy
Public Private Partnerships
Research for Private sector development and industry