Sand, gravel and salt may have a low price per tonne, but their value for domestic development and their potential for local employment creation is significant, especially when compared to the more talked about minerals like...
Successful women entrepreneurs are fighting to create economic opportunities for those looking to follow their example and close the gap on gender inequality. Economic experts believe that an increase in women participating in...
Gender equality - women's rights
Gender policy
Women's empowerment
Women's organisations
Private Sector
Research for Private sector development and industry
UNDP’s Gender Equality Seal assists public and private enterprises in ensuring that their workplaces are fair and equitable. The result? A happier, more productive and innovative workforce – with higher rates of women in non...
On the occasion of International Women’s Day and of the publication of a book* I contributed to, I’d like to share some insights on the challenges female entrepreneurs in the Middle East face every day and how we can address them...
Ukraine suffers extensive devastation, with industries and buildings in urban areas significantly damaged due to shelling. The reconstruction of infrastructure and the revitalization of the economy demand a forward-thinking...
The exact dates and more information on the topics will follow. For questions relating to the EU-Nigeria Business Forum , please email Updated on 06/12/2023
Dates are TBC. More information on the topics will follow. For questions relating to the EU-Nepal Business Forum, please email Updated on 22/02/2024
Registrations are open online . Sectors: farming, food processing, packaging, logistics. For questions relating to the 2nd Iraqi National Trade Forum, please email or
The exact dates and more information on the topics will follow. For more information regarding the EU-Argentina Business Forum please email . Updated on 29/11/2023.