Global guidance, briefs, and reports.
This is a virtual and interactive version of the updated Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) Toolbox. The HRBA is a methodology that applies to all EU's external actions, in every sector and every country. By applying the HRBA...
The ‘ Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) assessment framework for EU funded interventions in support of the security sector’, from now on simply ‘ the Checklist’, was drafted by the ROM Global experts, in consultation with...
The GAP III stipulates that there shall be at least one action targeting gender equality as a principal objective per country allocation over 2021- 2025. The GAP III applies the OECD DAC gender equality scoring system. Significant...
Read the public report and public extract from the ad hoc report on gender-transformative approaches and intersectionality.
Foto de proyecto desde la WEB
The EU has updated its 2014 Toolbox on the rights based approach (RBA) in line with its commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals and to reducing all forms of inequalities, including gender inequality. The renewed human...
How can we create and use a money system that eradicates income poverty and ensures a decent basic standard of living for all people on Earth? Can a money system be human rights-based and reduce inequalities? In this essay we...
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has released the Handbook on the policy marker on the inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities.