This 2022 guide was produced by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), a group of human rights cities and various practitioners in the EU. By fostering mutual learning on human and fundamental rights, it...

This 2022 guide was produced by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), a group of human rights cities and various practitioners in the EU. By fostering mutual learning on human and fundamental rights, it...
Beyond the DEAR Programme, the EU supports and funds citizenship education through many other Programmes. Erasmus+ funds research and training for teachers, as well as institutions in vocational training (VET) and higher education...
This report examines the role of citizens' assemblies and other forms of citizen deliberation in addressing climate change, particularly in the Global South. While scientific evidence underscores the urgent risks of climate change...
This report emphasizes the evolving role of local and regional governments (LRGs) in the landscape of development cooperation. LRGs, as policy and decision makers in their own right, have gained prominence internationally...
This report provides the findings of the “Mid-term Evaluation of European Union (EU) support to the United Nations One United Nations (UN) Response Plan to COVID-19 in Nigeria”. The main objectives of this evaluation are to...
The publication presents an analysis of soft-power governance practices in the area of urban design, in regions and cities of the European Union. H2020 project Urban MAESTRO has explored how the soft (non-regulatory) powers of the...
Effectively addressing climate change impacts, requires action and adaptation at the local level. The United Nations Capital Development Fund and the World Resources Institute (WRI) have created an adaptation monitoring and...
The Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) facility’s latest report summarizes the activities and results from the first period of the programmes global expansion (2014-2018) in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
The Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) facility’s latest report summarizes the activities and results from the first period of the programmes global expansion (2014-2018) in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
Dans les mois qui ont suivi le tremblement de terre de 2010, la communauté humanitaire a été confrontée à des limites et défis, ce qui a déclenché des réflexions et des discussions sur l'intervention dans des zones urbaines aussi...