La Comunidad de Práctica (CdP) sobre Involucramiento del Sector privado en Procesos de Política Climática es una iniciativa conjunta del Programa EUROCLIMA+, a través de la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit...
The final evaluation of the West Africa Competitiveness Programme in Sierra Leone (WACOMP-SL) offers critical insights into the design, monitoring, and evaluation aspects of development projects. Funded by the European Union and...
The EU has been mapping the European firms' presence, impact and barriers internationally since 2019. For Ghana, a previous EU investment mapping had been conducted in 2019. In 2023, the European Commission (DG INTPA) and the EU...
The EU has been mapping the European firms' presence, impact and barriers internationally since 2019. These "EU investment mappings" are done by the European Commission (DG INTPA) and EU Delegations worldwide in close...
The EU has been mapping the European firms' presence, impact and barriers internationally since 2019. These "EU investment mappings" are done by the European Commission (DG INTPA) and EU Delegations worldwide in close...
A study report of 2015 re-posted.
This infographic is a dissemination product from the External Evaluation of the European Union's support to the Ethiopian Civil Society Fund III programme.