Les membres de la communauté Capacity4dev encouragent les relations entre l'Europe et ses partenaires à l'échelle mondiale et contribuent à l'élaboration de solutions éthiques pour l'industrie textile. En tant que champion de l...
Global Gateway Series: Ethics is The New Black in the Textile Industry
Members of the Capacity4dev community are fostering relationships between Europe and its partners on a global scale and assisting in the development of ethical solutions for the textile industry. As a champion of innovation...
Serie Global Gateway: La ética es la nueva moda en la industria textil
Los miembros de la comunidad Capacity4dev están fomentando las relaciones entre Europa y sus socios a escala mundial y ayudando en el desarrollo de soluciones éticas para la industria textil. Como paladín de la innovación...
Public and private sector representatives highlight benefits of public-private partnerships
At the European Development Days 2019, Capacity4dev spoke to representatives of both the public and private sector to discuss public-private partnerships (PPPs). During the European event - designed to encourage the sharing of...
Women entrepreneurs identify missed opportunity in the economy
Successful women entrepreneurs are fighting to create economic opportunities for those looking to follow their example and close the gap on gender inequality. Economic experts believe that an increase in women participating in...