the Report of the second Knowledge Sharing Event on Trade and Investment Good Practices, held in Brussels on 4-5 February 2020

the Report of the second Knowledge Sharing Event on Trade and Investment Good Practices, held in Brussels on 4-5 February 2020
The Report of the second Knowledge Sharing Event on Trade and Investment Good Practices, held in Brussels on 4-5 February 2020
This EU4Digital report presents the state of play of cross-border eCommerce in the EU. EU4Digital experts have developed the eCommerce baseline report as a part of the eCommerce activity of EU4Digital Facility’s eTrade thematic...
The Knowledge Sharing Event on Trade and Investment Good Practices was organised by the TradeCom II PMU from 20 to 21 february 2018, aimed at disseminating, as widely as possible, relevant “good practices” developed by TCII...
This study conducted by the UNECE UN/CEFACT looks into transparency in textile value chains in relation to the environmental, social and human health impacts of parts, components and production processes.
Assignment of H&S Advisers, managed by the Commonwealth Secretariat, to beneficiary countries and regional economic organisations in Eastern & Southern Africa, Caribbean and Pacific regions as at March 2018.
This document is related to the Brussels briefing on the geopolitics of food organized in February 2011 by CTA in cooperation with the European Commission (DG DEVCO) , Concord , the ACP Secretariat and various media.