At the European Development Days 2019, Capacity4dev spoke to representatives of both the public and private sector to discuss public-private partnerships (PPPs). During the European event - designed to encourage the sharing of...
Americas & the Caribbean
Private Sector
Public Private Partnerships
Research for Private sector development and industry
This session seeks an open discussion on the environmental and human rights impacts of raw materials extraction, in and around vulnerable areas. The High Andean wetlands in Latin America are extremely fragile ecosystems that...
Les membres de la communauté Capacity4dev encouragent les relations entre l'Europe et ses partenaires à l'échelle mondiale et contribuent à l'élaboration de solutions éthiques pour l'industrie textile. En tant que champion de l...
Members of the Capacity4dev community are fostering relationships between Europe and its partners on a global scale and assisting in the development of ethical solutions for the textile industry. As a champion of innovation...
Los miembros de la comunidad Capacity4dev están fomentando las relaciones entre Europa y sus socios a escala mundial y ayudando en el desarrollo de soluciones éticas para la industria textil. Como paladín de la innovación...
COLEACP and OCDE Fruit and Vegetables Scheme launch the Fruits and vegetables industry series covering a range of key issues for the future of the sector. . Join us for the first session on Tuesday 14 September 2021 (10:00-12:00...
20 January 2021. In the first half of this decade the first landscape approaches emerged as an alternative to supply chain approaches. The real challenge is to identify HOW we build on the lessons learned to take the best of both...
2-3 December 2020. WTO Virtual Agriculture Symposium, entitled Agricultural Trade and Food System Transformation The transformation of food systems will require an unprecedented degree of international cooperation given the...