The 2020-21 Activity Report of the ACP-EU NDRR Program highlights the continued efforts of African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries and regional organizations to strengthen their resilience to disaster risks and climate change...

The 2020-21 Activity Report of the ACP-EU NDRR Program highlights the continued efforts of African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries and regional organizations to strengthen their resilience to disaster risks and climate change...
The 2020-2021 Activity Report for the Result Area 2 Program highlights the achievements that have been made possible through the increased regional cooperation between and within African Regional Economic Communities (RECs)...
This document provides a final activity update of the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Program and the Result Area 2 Program for the period July to November 2021.
“We are all in this together but with differential disaster risk.” Many would say that resilience is just a convenient buzz word used by development and humanitarian workers. But resilience is a framework and a tool determining...
This document provides an activity update of the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Program and the Result Area 2 Program for the period April to June 2021.
This document provides an activity update of the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Program and the Result Area 2 Program for the period January to March 2021.
This document provides an activity update of the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Program and the Result Area 2 Program for the period October to December 2020.
This document provides an activity update of the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Program and the Result Area 2 Program for the period July to September 2020.
This document provides an activity update of the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Program and the Result Area 2 Program for the period April to June 2020.
This report summarizes the activities and achievements under Result Area 2 of the “Building Disaster Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa” for 2018-2019. Result Area 2 works with African Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to ensure...