Consultations of affected country Parties of the Convention’s regional implementation annexes for Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Northern Mediterranean and Central and Eastern Europe in preparation for CRIC 21 will...
In the thematic of Disaster Risk Reduction, initiatives of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States funded by the European Union are all aiming to strengthen the resilience of ACP regions, countries and communities to the impacts of natural disasters, including the potential impacts of climate change, in order to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development. This Public Group "Disaster Risk Reduction in ACP" will facilitate sharing of knowledge and experience across the DRR community by allowing members to easily post and exchange articles, pictures and videos, documents, and opinions with the members of the group. The information provided by the members of the group is in the interest of knowledge sharing and capacity development and should not be interpreted as the official view of the European Commission or any other institution.