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Public Group on Employment and VET

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Erasmus+ call 2024: Capacity building in the field of VET (CB VET)

CB VET projects are international cooperation projects based on partnerships between organisations active in the field of VET in Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support the relevance and responsiveness of VET provision and strengthen linkages to (employment) opportunities in Global Gateway priority areas created by investments and value chain developments in third countries not associated to the Programme.

Objectives of CB VET projects are to 

  • Build the capacity of VET providers to strengthen cooperation with  private sector stakeholders in the field of vocational education and training for demand-oriented and opportunity-driven VET interventions;
  • Improve the quality and responsiveness of VET to enhance the labour market relevance of skills provision;
  • Align VET provision to local, regional and national priorities.

It is envisaged that the capacity building projects VET are aligned to priority areas that are being pursued between the European Commission and the third countries not associated with the Programme or region concerned, including Global Gateway investment packages.

Applicants have to submit the grant application by 29 February at 17:00:00 (Brussels time).

For further information on opportunity-driven VET please refer to: