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Public Group on Employment and VET

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Employment, Skills Development and Youth in the Mediterranean Region - Amman 21-23 May 2012

The unrest in several Southern Mediterranean countries is clearly linked to economic weaknesses. The youth employment gap, low labour force youth participation rates, particularly for women, demographic pressure, weak education and training systems or limited job creation are some examples of the challenges that the region is currently facing. Employment, decent work and skills development, particularly for young people, have become major issues in EU's development cooperation with the Southern Neighbourhood region in the post-Arab spring context.

EuropeAid Unit D3 has organised a knowledge-sharing Regional Seminar on Employment and Skills Development with a focus on Youth in Amman on 21-23 May 2012. It constituted a privileged platform among EU Delegations staff in ENP south countries, headquarters and various international development partners (such as EIB, ETF, ILO and others) which allowed for developing a mutual understanding and a collaborative approach on the areas of employment, TVET and youth policies; for sharing of relevant experiences from the region; and to jointly conclude on a number of key points and recommendations for future interventions.

 Agenda and concept note


View synthesis report of the seminar 

This event is of the type Group event.

This event is organised by: EuropeAid Unit D3