Private sector engagement in Global Gateway – guiding links
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The private sector plays a crucial role in the implementation of the Global Gateway strategy. Moreover, the Global Gateway strategy is rolled out through a Team Europe Approach in which the private sector forms an integral part. As part of the Global Gateway strategy, there are many projects through which the private sector can get involved, alongside specialised tools designed to enhance your involvement, and information tailored to meet the needs of diverse business landscapes. Explore how you can contribute to and benefit from the Global Gateway strategy here!
- Find out the various initiatives in different sectors and regions in which the EU is active
- Find an overview of the upcoming tenders and guarantees
- Browse through potentially useful programmes
- Discover the entry points to Global Gateway Initiatives
- Look through different market information tools regarding third countries
- Learn about other tools available specifically for SMEs
- The Commission's overarching work for the private sector
1. Overview of the Global Gateway Initiatives
- Find Global Gateway initiatives on this webpage.
- Explore the projects by region.
- Explore the projects by country.
- Explore the projects by sector: Climate & Energy, Digital, Transport, Health and Education and Research.
- Flagships are selected Global Gateway initiatives to showcase how the Global Gateway strategy is implemented and the comprehensive EU offer to partners, across all GG sectors and regions.
- Team Europe Initiatives are projects involving various Team Europe members and deliver concrete, transformational results for partner countries or regions pursued by European development/external action partners.
- Upcoming tenders portal: find business opportunities and filter by sector and country.
- General tender website: discover calls for proposals and tenders from EU institutions, agencies and bodies. Browse projects and results or find work as an expert. Click on All filters to filter on Country / Location Contracting Authority.
Guarantees and blending
- EFSD+ aims to mobilise up to €135 billion of public and private financing to help partner countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By the end of 2024, the EFSD+ will reach a total of 40.
- To review the EFSD guarantees, see this brochure (note that this contains information on EFSD, and not EFSD+).
3. Programs of potential interest that support the private sector and/or the business environment in specific regions and sectors
Program | Region | Sector |
Intellectual Property Helpdesk | Africa | The helpdesk provides free-of-charge, first-line support to European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on intellectual property (IP) management, protection and enforcement covering six different regions: China, Europe, India, Latin America, South-East Asia and Africa. |
AgriFI | Africa | Impact investment facility to provide medium to long-term financing to private sector enterprises active in the agri-food value chain with a focus on smallholder farmers. |
AL-INVEST Verde | Latin America | A programme that promotes sustainable growth and job creation. It aims to support the transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular economy, to facilitate the implementation of sustainable production models. This is done through innovation and green transition of SMEs, Technical Assistance to the public sector and use of intellectual property for sustainable development.. |
ArticuLac | Latin America | Aims to create of spaces for the systematic participation of the private sector in the development and implementation of climate policies. It is integrated by national teams made up of representatives of public and private organizations from countries of the EUROCLIMA+ Programme. |
COLEAD | Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific | A network of companies, professional organisations and experts committed to inclusive and sustainable agriculture. Online and in the field, they supply technical assistance; vocational training; and support services that offer research and innovation brokerage, monitoring of regulations and standards, market insights, networks and alliances, and access to finance |
ElectriFI | Worldwide | Impact investment facility that finances early-stage small-sized projects focusing on electricity access and generation from sustainable energy sources in emerging markets. |
Get Invest | Sub-Saharan Africa | The programme mobilises investment in renewable energy in developing countries. It helps project teams achieve investment readiness and connects them to financiers. It is also the Team Europe One Stop Shop for Green Energy Investments in Africa, facilitating access to European support and financing instruments. |
Switch Asia | Asia, the Middle East and the Pacific | Supports the transition of Asia, the Middle-East and the Pacific to a low-carbon, resource- efficient and circular economy while promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns, and greener supply chains between these regions and Europe. It provides grants in the areas such as energy efficiency in industrial plants and houses, agri-food and fishing sectors, textiles and leather, tourism, logistics and freight. |
PRIMA | Mediterranean area | PRIMA aims to enhance sustainable use of natural resources, promote economic growth, and ensure stability through research and innovation projects. |
EuroClima | Latin America and the Caribbean | A regional initiative funded by the European Union (EU) that aims to strengthen climate policies and actions. |
4. The Global Gateway entry points
- Development finance institutions (DFIs) are International and national development finance institutions (DFIs) are government-backed development banks set up to support private sector development in low- and middle-income countries.
- Export Credit Agencies (ECAs): based in each Member State, these organisations promote national exports and/or economic interests. They provide loans or cover (insurance or guarantees) to help internationalise companies registered in their country.
- Development Cooperation Agencies are national development agencies provide government aid to support economic and public development in developing countries. These agencies implement and finance Global Gateway projects.
- Trade Promotion Organisations (TPOs) are Member State organisations support the internationalisation of companies registered in their country.
- Business Organisations
- Most European Chambers are members of the European Business Organisation Worldwide Network (EBOWN). The Commission works closely with EBOWN to align its programmes and policies to the business needs.
- Find a list of European Business Organisations here.
- EU Delegations are Diplomatic Representations of the EU with various ongoing missions and operations.
- EU Business Fora are unique events held around the world, bringing together the EU and local private sectors and high-level government representatives. By doing so they facilitate dialogue around Global Gateway priority topics. Businesses are invited to take part to EU Business Fora to meet new partners, pitch their project and engage in public-private dialogue
- With contribution of the EU, the International Trade Center developed business intelligence tools which are free of use for EU and OECD companies:
- ITCTrade Map provides - in the form of tables, graphs and maps - indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies.
- ITC Market Access Map allows users to Access, Compare, Analyse and Download customs tariffs, tariff-rate quotas, trade remedies and non-tariff measures applicable to a specific good in any market in the world.
- ITC Export Potential Map turns economic analysis into practical trade information using the ITC export potential and diversification assessment methodology.
- ITC StandardsMap – aligning with CS3D - provides information on voluntary sustainability standards (VSS), codes of conduct, audit protocols, reporting frameworks and company programs on sustainability.
- EU Investment Mappings are business consultations to map the EU firms' presence, impact, barriers and requests for support.
- Access2Markets allows you to obtain information you need when you trade with third countries, such as on tariffs, taxes, procedures, formalities and requirements, rules of origin, export measures, statistics, trade barriers and much more.
6. Other tools specific to SMEs*
- Internationalisation for SMEs (by DG GROW) helps SMEs export and invest beyond the EU. The European Commission provides information on access to markets and matchmaking opportunities.
- Find a list of the instruments used for the internationalisation of SMEs here.
- Find a list of the instruments used for the internationalisation of SMEs here.
- European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) supports in particular better access to markets, a more favourable business environment and the promoting of entrepreneurship. It aims to foster the competitiveness, capacity building and sustainability of enterprises, especially SMEs, including the tourism sector.
- The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for SMEs with international ambitions. The Network is active worldwide and brings together experts from member organisations that are renowned for their excellence in business support.
- The Trade Defence Helpdesk supports SMEs in the EU to both protect and enforce their rights against unfair trade practices (i.e. dumping and subsidies by non-EU countries).
- The Intellectual Property Helpdesk supports SMEs with IP management, protection and enforcement covering six different regions: China, Europe, India, Latin America, South-East Asia and Africa. Additionally, they assists with IP issues related to specific programmes in EU-funded research and innovation projects.
*SMEs form ‘The category of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is made up of enterprises which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million.’ For more information, please read the User Guide to the SME Definition.
7. The Commission's overarching work for improving the business environment
- Facilitation of public-private dialogue
Through the Global Gateway Business Advisory Group (BAG) the EU facilitates the exchange of information, experiences and feedback from the private sector. - Trade and investment agreements contribute to improving the business environment in partner countries. Among other benefits, they boost trade in goods and create new opportunities, incentivise EU investment, thanks to increased legal certainty and stability, and contain strong trade and sustainability commitments.
- Ecosystem support for investments: budget support, technical assistance, Twinning, TAIEX
- Budget support is central to our international cooperation. The EU is the world’s top provider of grant budget support. It involves direct financial transfers to the national treasury of partner countries engaging in sustainable development reforms.
- Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument (TAIEX), provides peer-to-peer technical assistance and policy support from EU MS public experts to partner countries. It supports structural reforms and improving regional and environmental policies (up to 5 days of support).
- Twinning is an EU instrument for institutional cooperation between Public Administrations of EU MS and beneficiary or partner countries. It supports institutional capacity building, medium to long-term reform processes and peer-to-peer cooperation. On average, Twinning projects last between 12 and 36 months.