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INTPA Private Sector Engagement

EU Private Sector Engagement

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EU business intelligence

The business have their say in EU programmes

The EU regularly maps the European firms' presence, impact and barriers when doing business abroad. European firms have the opportunity to share information about the barriers and support they need in a secure and confidential manner. These "mappings" or overviews of the EU investment in a country are done jointly by the European Commission (DG INTPA), EU Delegations, EU embassies and Chambers of Commerce in that country.

The mappings help the EU to shape its programmes as per the private sector's needs.

Check the key data on EU investment in key countries at the bottom of this page and, participate in ongoing business consultations:

Ethiopia  - ongoing business consultation here (EN)
Honduras - ongoing business consultation here (EN, ES)
Pakistan  - ongoing business consultation here (EN)
Togo - ongoing business consultation here (EN, FR)
Timor Leste - ongoing business consultation here (EN, PT)
Zimbabwe  - ongoing business consultation here (EN)

*Data show the EU firms replies as communicated to the EU via official surveys and interviews. These replies do not always represent the EU views and the Commission declines responsibility. To protect the firms' data, only aggregated figures are displayed.

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