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Understanding Soil Types and Soil Texture by Documents & Experiments 通过文件和实验了解土壤类型和质地


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What is soil made of?  All of us have come into contact with soil at some point in our lives and most people are familiar with such terms as clay, silt, sand or peat. In reality, soil consists of a mixture of non-living minerals and living organisms that represent the products of weathering and biochemical processes. Rocks are weathered into individual grains, while decaying vegetation and living organisms are referred to as soil organic matter. Pores and cracks in the soil contain air with a higher concentration of carbon dioxide than found in the atmosphere. When we handle soil, the fact that it usually stains and moistens our fingers shows that it holds different amounts of water, organic compounds and minerals.

(Text / English image source: GLOBAL SOIL BIODIVERSITY ATLAS, European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. © European Union, 2016)

土壤是由什么组成的?    我们所有人都在生活中的某个时刻接触过土壤,大多数人都熟悉粘土、淤泥、沙子或泥炭等术语。事实上,土壤由非生物矿物和生物有机体的混合物组成,它们代表了风化和生物化学过程的产物。岩石风化成单独的颗粒,而腐烂的植被和生物被称为土壤有机物。土壤中的孔隙和裂缝含有比大气中二氧化碳浓度更高的空气。当我们处理土壤时,它通常会弄脏和润湿我们的手指,这表明它含有不同量的水、有机化合物和矿物质。



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Through Soil Texture Triangle Map, physical, biological and cultivation features of soils could be observed. 

Most soils tend to be a combination of sand, silt and clay. Soils are often referred to by their texture class. Therefore, a soil with 40 % sand, 40 % silt and 20 % clay is a loam, while another soil with 10 % sand, 30 % silt and 70 % clay is referred to as a heavy clay.

(Text / English image source: GLOBAL SOIL BIODIVERSITY ATLAS / UN-FAO, European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. © European Union, 2016)




(文字/英语图片来源:全球土壤生物多样性图谱 / 联合国粮农组织 UN-FAO |中文图片来源:台湾南一書局 高中地理,臺灣土壤起源與分化-2-2302e402cfba


Video: Understanding Soil Types and Soil Texture (test your own soil).  录像:了解土壤类型和质地(测试你的土壤)

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How to test your own garden soil, understanding different soil texture and their cultivation features?  Anything in the centre of the triangle is good gardening soil. If your soil is near one of the corners or along the side of the triangle, it means your soil does not have enough sand or silt or clay.You will have to work a bit harder to grow things. I'll discuss ways to improve your soil in a future video, but any type of soil will benefit from the addition of moderate amounts of organic material like compost or 

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manure.Organic matter will loosen up clay soil and add more oxygen.In sandy soil it adds more nutrients and helps to hold water in the soil. 

如何测试你的花园土壤,判断土壤质地和种植特征?    三角形中心的任何东西都是很好的园艺土壤。如果你的土壤靠近一个角落或沿着三角形的边,这意味着你的土壤没有足够的沙子、淤泥或粘土。你将不得不更加努力地工作来种植东西。我将在未来的视频中讨论改善土壤的方法,但任何类型的土壤都会从添加适量的有机材料(如堆肥或粪肥)中受益。有机物会使粘土变松,增加更多的氧气。在沙质土壤中,它增加了更多的养分,有助于保持土壤中的水分。



Source: Garden Fundamentals.

来自Garden Fundamentals,