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Economics, public finance, domestic revenue management, and budget support

Economics, public finance, domestic revenue mobilisation & budget support

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PFM I: Public Finance Management - Basics virtual training

The Public Financial Management I training has been re-designed to be offered as a virtual classroom. This online training is delivered over 4 sessions of 3.5 hours (15 minutes break included) to guarantee continuous participation. 

Training objectives

We aim to provide you with an introduction to the building blocks and architecture of a typical Public Finance Management (PFM) system. In practice, these systems are as varied as their countries’ histories, cultures and institutions. This course forms the basis upon which you can develop a personal framework for developing and deepening your understanding of PFM and its role in development. A deep understanding of PFM and its environment is essential for development and poverty reduction.


  • Module 1 - Budget Cycle: tasks and key institutions involved in the typical public financial management process known as the Budget Cycle. 
  • Module 2 - Budgetary & Fiscal Analysis: the government ‘fiscal constraint’; how to read a Statement of Government Operations; definitions of the ‘deficit’; how to finance the deficit; how PFM can contribute to macro-fiscal stability in view also of the current COVID-19 crisis; NB: the scope of basic issues to be covered would require 2 sessions.

  • Module 3: Control Systems: three core control processes to be examined – budgetary control, internal control and external control; This will include management controls as well as internal and external audit; how are PFM control systems affected by a crisis of the magnitude of COVID-19.

Target audience

The training addresses INTPA and EU Delegation staff members working in development cooperation. The event will also be open to operational managers from NEAR, ECHO, TRADE, FPI and EEAS subject to availability of places.

Training material

The training presentations are available in the section below .

Related documents

PFM 1 (EN) - Presentations_Jan2023

English (1.4 MB - ZIP)

Additional Readings

English (45.33 MB - ZIP)