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Economics, public finance, domestic revenue management, and budget support

Economics, public finance, domestic revenue mobilisation & budget support

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PFM II - Public Finance Management Reform

Practical Information

The course is intended for Commission staff, notably for DG Devco in HQ and Delegation. The course is also open to colleagues from the European Institutions, notably DG ECFIN, ELARG, TRADE, ECHO and the EEAS.

This course lasts 3 days and can take place both in Brussels (HQ) and Delegation.

Prerequisite - Participants are required to have a good understanding of Public Financial Management, acquired through attendance to the course PFM I or any other training or working experience.

For further information, please contact the DEVCO Training Team.

Training Objectives

To provide EC officials and colleagues in partner countries and donor organisations with the introductory tools to design and assess programmes for the reform and improvement of public financial management systems.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants should:

  • Be equipped with some basic frameworks for looking at Public Financial Management
  • Be aware of the complex nature of PFM reform – the political dimension, change management, capacity development, the constraining dimension of functional linkage
  • Be able to identify the ways in which the PEFA analysis can help in identifying key elements for PFM reform
  • Be able to question the nature of relevance of some popularly promoted PFM reforms – such as performance budgeting, budgeting by objectives, activity based budgeting, the use of MTEF, accrual accounting, IFMIS, public-private partnerships; the (mis)application of “best practice”
  • Understand the idea of sequencing in PFM reform and improvement, and that any sequencing must be adapted to the situation in any country; identify why sequencing is important (is it important?) because "things" take time and "things" should take time.
  • Identify the different perspectives on sequencing – the platform approach, the “evolution” approach, “islands” of perfection; PFM activity chains, basics and beyond basics – and their strengths and weaknesses
  • Be able to identify the type of capacity development support that could usefully be provided


This training is offered in English, but also in French PFM II - Réforme de la Gestion des Finances Publiques (GFP)

Outline and Course Materials

Module 1 - The Issus of Budgetary Reform - Unit 1. Approaches to PFM Reform

PPT1.1 - PFM Objectives and Budgetary Approaches

PPT1.2 - Why Reform PFM Systems? Why Establish a Sequencing?

PPT1.3 - The Starting Point: Assessing PFM Systems

PPT1.4 - Conditions for Successful Reforms

Module 2 - Budget Classification and Programme - Unit 2. PFM Domains and Sequencing of Reforms

PPT2.1 - Expenditure Classification, Budget Preparation and the MTEF

PPT2.2 - Expenditure and Accounting Cycle

PPT2.3 - Programme / Performance Budget

PPT2.4 - External Control, Legislative and Regulatory Framework and IT Issues

Module 3 - The Issues of Budgetary Reform - Unit 3. PFM Reform - Change Management

PPT3.1 - Essential Tasks, Change Management

PPT3.2 - Preparing and Managing a Reform Programme

All course modules can be downloaded together in a compressed zip file:zippyDownload (7.56 MB) 

Methodological Training References

PDF Public Financial Management Performance Measurement Framework
PDF Good Practice Note on Sequencing PFM Reforms
PDF Background Paper 1: Sequencing PFM Reforms
PDF Background Paper 2: The Core PFM Functions and PEFA Performance Indicators