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Public Group on Social Protection

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European Union Thematic Seminar - Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus


From 22 to 24 January, staff from EU Delegations, ECHO regional offices, European Commission, Member States and partner organisations gathered at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Paris to discuss ways of bridging humanitarian and development interventions in crisis contexts. The 52 participants discussed parts of the content of the new European Commission´s inter-service Guidance Package (GP) on social protection and what the instrument can deliver as an effective short- and long-term response to multivariate shocks, protracted crises and displacement.

Through presentations, panel discussions and group work, the seminar provoked a rich discussion among HQ and field staff and practitioners from the European Commission and from member States of the European Union. Moreover, it provides specific information on methods and tools for policy development to support the operationalisation of SPaN and to foster shock-sensitive social protection in crisis settings.

On this page, community members will find background information, the agenda of the activities, and the respective presentations speaker made available. A summary of the thematic seminar and a film clip highlight the main achievements of the event.




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