SPaN E-learning: EU International Partnerships Academy
Designed to provide insights and strategies for humanitarian and development staff, this e-learning course introduces and reflects knowledge from the European Commission´s Guidance Package on Social Protection across the Humanitarian Development-Nexus. It provides concrete and practical guidance to social protection to bridge humanitarian and development interventions through effective short- and long-term response to multivariate shocks, protracted crises and displacement.
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Target Audience
The primary target audience are social protection practitioners and interested staff in headquarters and in the field from European Commission, from EU Member States, development partners and from partner countries.
Course participants are invited to join the two specific Communities of Practice (on and on created to offer direct link to the GP´s materials and serve as forums for discussions with a wide range of stakeholders working with the subject.
Learning Objectives
This course:
- presents main objectives, principles and core instruments of social protection;
- discusses similarities and differences between social protection as government task in development setting and as part of humanitarian action;
- introduces the important features of social protection systems and approaches in crisis contexts that reflect currently promising practices;
- presents a working typology for understanding what working with social protection to respond to a crisis might look like;
- provides an overview of how different social protection instruments can and have been used in crisis contexts;
- outlines impacts of social protection programmes and approaches across a range of outcomes.
Course Content
- Module 1 Social Protection and Humanitarian Action
- Module 2 Why Work With Social Protection in Crisis Contexts?
- Module 3 Approaches and benefit modalities
- Module 4 Targeting
- Module 5 Engaging stakeholders and meeting the needs of vulnerable groups
Duration: 4 hours