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Public Group on Social Protection

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Launch Event (20 May 2019) Supporting People through Crises: Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus

Launch event on the occasion of the release of operational notes 

Monday, 20 May 2019, 14:00 – 18:00 at L-L-42 (Rue de la Loi 42, 1000 Brussels) 


Over the last two years, the EU has produced the Guidance Package (GP) on providing Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus (SPaN). At this event the SPaN initiative jointly led by DG International Partnerships (former DEVCO), ECHO and NEAR introduced operational notes to practitioners working at EU Headquarters, EU Delegations, DG ECHO Field offices, EU Member States’ (MS) agencies and international partners and provided: 

  1. EU specific operational guidance linking humanitarian action and developing shock-sensitive social protection systems in specific sectors; 
  2. A synthesis of all Guidance Package documents and key findings included in the respective Reference Document 
  3. A Proposal for Joint Actions with Implementing Partners.

Please find below the agenda with links to presentations´ recordings and slides. Also find all materials from the GP and other sources on Capacity4dev and online communities of practice. 


14:00 – 14:15 

Introduction: Social Protection Systems in Crises Settings

• Henriette GEIGER, European Commission, DG International Cooperation and Development, Director of Directorate B – People and Peace

• Sandie BLANCHET, UNICEF Office for Partnership with the EU in Brussels, Director

• Alexandra YUSTER, UNICEF HQ, Associate Director, Programme Division, Social Policy Chief

14:15 – 14:30 

The EU Guidance Package: Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus. What is it and why is it needed?

• Juergen HOHMANN European Commission, DG DEVCO B3

• Carina STAIBANO, European Commission, DG ECHO C1

          (presentation slides)

14:30 – 16:10

Content-specific Operational Guidance: 

• Engaging with Stakeholders in Crises Settings (Rachel SLATER, CIDT)

          (presentation slides)

• Benefit Modalities (Rachel SABATES-WHEELER, IDS)

          (presentation slides)

• UNICEF country example – Nepal (Usha Mishra HAYES, UNICEF)

          Followed by Fishbowl discussion


16:25 – 17:15

Context-specific Operational Guidance:  Working through Social Protection Systems in Contexts of

  • Fragility (Georgia ROWE, Independent Consultant) 

            (presentation slides)

17:15 – 17:30 

Guidance Package – The Roadmap for Implementation/further Development + resources available to use (Juergen HOHMANN, DG DEVCO B3 – from minute 20)

             (presentation slides)