SPaN Videos
DG ECHO Webinars:
What is the role of a humanitarian donor in linking with social protection systems?
SPaN Interviews:
How can we operationalise Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus?
Promoting gender equality with shock-responsive social protection programmes
EU Thematic Seminar on Social Protection across the Humanitarian Development Nexus (May 2019):
1 – SPaN in Crises Settings / Henriette Geiger (DEVCO), Sandie Blanchet & Alexandra Yuster (UNICEF)
2 - The EU Guidance Package: SPaN / Juergen Hohmann (DEVCO) & Carina Staibano (ECHO)
3 - Engaging with Stakeholders in Crises Settings / Rachel Slater (CIDT)
4 - Benefit Modalities / Rachel Sabates-Wheeler (IDS)
5 - Shock-Responsive Social Protection in Nepal / Usha Mishra Hayes (UNICEF)
6 - Working through Social Protection Systems in Contexts of Fragility / Georgia Rowe (Consultant)
7 - Social Protection Systems in Contexts of Forced Displacement / Cécile Cherrier (Consultant)
8 - EU Thematic Seminar on Social Protection across the humanitarian-development Nexus
Voices and Views: Social Protection in Fragile Contexts (UNICEF Conference, 2017)
1 - Social protection and humanitarian actors: Monique Pariat (Director-General of ECHO)
2 - Social Protection in Fragile Contexts: Views on cash transfers as part of an emergency response
3 - Connecting the Dots: Social Protection and Security in Fragile Contexts
4 - Challenges and progress in bringing ECHO and DEVCO closer together
5 - Social Development Fund in Yemen: Lamis Al Iryani
6 - The impact of war on the Social Development Fund in Yemen: Lamis Al Iryani
7 - Making communities more resilient: Maryan Qaasim, Somalia
8 - FAO and social protection in Somalia: Dominique Burgeon
9 - Unicef and cash transfers in Somalia: Pamel Dale
10 - Vertical fragmentation of aid in Somalia: Ric Goodman from DAI
11- DEVCO and ECHO in Somalia: Johan Heffinck
12 - The Emergency Social Safety Net in Turkey: Jonathan Campbell (WFP)
13 - European Commission's ESSN programme in Turkey: Massimo La Rosa (ECHO)
14 - Unicef’s support for refugees in Turkey: Iraz Öykü Soyalp (Unicef Turkey)
15 - Bridging short- and long-term planning for refugees in Turkey: Frederike Wünschmann