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Sustainable Development Support

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The data revolution in sustainable development


Knowledge has an important role to play in addressing development issues, but this requires access to information as well as the availability of relevant and useful knowledge. Knowledge is central to sustainable development. Knowledge is essential for survival and sustainability.



Our processes

Local volunteers are educated (Awareness is raised among communities about  SDGs. The volunteers’ capacity is strenghtend through trainings, seminars and workshops. In addition to that, volunteers might take part in projects and social networking events.

Local volunteers go into their community to note any issues (Being aware of the SDGs, local volunteers are able to raise awareness in the communities and a variety of stakeholders (ex. village elders, sub-county and county administrators, families, churches, institutions, charities, foundations, and volunteers).

Volunteers are able to point out and report problems and/or best practices, by raising a request for development aid or providing the first level support. Doing so:

We collect live data which we can proof and everybody can see and not fictive data or report data.

We assess the data and if possible we could reject the data or we recomend expert field visit for proof.

We build from the data our Development Case Studies (DCS).

We make  the Development Case Studies available to the party or universally accessible to all for actions.

Owning   Development Case Studies

Owning  our Development Case Studies mean all the above. Is anyone truly aware of how our development cases studies (DCS) regarding every aspect of sustainable Development issues and best practices?

Let's say a local government or party wants to begin a development operations in its country. Let's say this local government or party wants to understand deeply, and try to alleviate conditions due to poverty through education or access to information and knowledge.

The goals for the local government or party must match the means available to remedy the affliction i.e., socio cultural infrastructures, money, people and/or sciences. In order to make this match realistic an inventory (education, live information collection and the development of Development Case Studies) must be taken and all strengths and deficiencies identified.

The mission of the KFDWB outlines a work progress war against the afflictions of poverty, famine and war. Our Development Aid Support Mechanism is part of this inventory.

The developed Development Case Studies (DCS) are given back to the local governance or party and its officials for actions. If the local governance or party accepts we can make it universally accessible for all.

Advantages for a local government or party 

a.) What do we know?

b.) What do we have to respond (data, information, knowledge, resources, local vs. international intervention, cooperation, etc.)?

c.) What needs to be done?

d.) What needs to be tackled first?

e.) How, where and by whom?

f.) which best practices are available?

d.) Etc.

Our Development Case Studies (DCS) include  transferable inventory that was collected to sustain the resolutions in order to model, resource and deploy organization to agency creation and/or strengthening as part of local governance system of the host country. The development Case Studies enable the agency deployment strategy to measure remedy and report unfiltered outcomes.How it Works in Practice?

 A.) Local volunteers are educated

Awareness is raised among communities about  SDGs. The volunteers’ capacity is strengthened through trainings, seminars and workshops. In addition to that, volunteers might take part in projects and social networking events.

B.) Local volunteers go into their community to note any issues

Being aware of the  SDGs, local volunteers are able to raise awareness in the communities and a variety of stakeholders (ex. village elders, sub-county and county administrators, families, churches, institutions, charities, foundations, and volunteers.) Volunteers are able to point out and report problems, by raising a request for development aid.

 C.) We receive a request for development aid via website or mobile App

After KFDWB receives a request for development aid via website or mobile App, the NGO or individual who raised the request will be contacted for further information about the problem. As a result KFDWB is releases a case study that is reviewed by the community, relevant NGOs or local/national institutions. Case studies are of evidential relevance for donors who are ready to provide financial and/or technical support.

D.) We assess and release Development  Case studies (DCS)

KFDWB is assessing and releasing Development  Case studies, which are of relevance for finding donors.

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