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Sustainable Development Support

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Ethic&Dignity: finding, connecting, empowering the missing millions to...


Ethic&Dignity: New aid model needed or world's poorest will wait a century for basics (Thomson Reuters Foundation).

Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given the chance to understand, know and play it role in sustainable development. That's what we're doing. ~KFDWB


Please helps us finding, connecting  and empowering the missing millions to sustainable development matters (issues and best practices). "Data are not just about measuring changes, they also facilitate and catalyse that change. Of course, good quality numbers will not change people’s lives in themselves. But to target the poorest systematically, to lift and keep them out of poverty, even the most willing governments cannot efficiently deliver services if they do not know who those people are, where they live and what they need. Nor do they know where their resources will have the greatest impact." from ODI

There are still many things need to be done, whatever the goals (SDGs)  are, they require a good social support mechanism to support them. The government may could be changed, but only with good social support mechanism, it is possible to have a sustainable development of our society.

Whatever the sustainable development politics and strategies would be  or  would be adopted, we have reached a sustainable development era where there is a need of suitable social mechanism support worldwide to connect a global audience to necessary resources while providing a system to translate these goals, data, information and knowledge into sustainable local best practices.

We cover development issues and best practices in line with the  SDGs. We are empowering local Citizens to know, understand, secure and enforce their roles, responsibilities, and engagements for the success of the SDGs. We are assisting the youths to identify their weakness and strength before any interventions and actions. We are collecting information on development issues, local best practices, and implementing development cases studies which can help donors to identify local, global common issues, and in their early diagnostics.

We build the efficiency of our project around a globally accessible database. This has the purpose of helping

ngos, development organizations, development research institutions, private sectors, banks and development funding agencies be able to use this information for helpful purposes such as to identify the most useful development processes. In addition, information is used to raise awareness with responsible bodies so that development issues are addressed.


So we are calling on interested parties from all backgrounds who can support, bring creativity, dedication, experience and talent to our developmnt aid support  mechanisn  program to contribute to the ongoing efforts  of development organizations, local governments, donors, foundations,  ONGs, private sectors to achieve the world we want.

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