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Sustainable Development Support

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Voice&View: Sustainable Development


We see more global warming. Unfortunately, we could not solve all the problems of the world at the same time. But it is potential and useful to have  a simple, strong, and  independent global platform  called development Service Support like K4DWB which covers the social, economic, cultural and environmental challenges (…) of the people who are in needs for immediate or future actions so that they could not feel that they have been excluded or marginalized!


Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given the chance to understand, know and play it role in sustainable development. That's what we're doing. ~KFDWB (

The mission of the KFDWB outlines a work progress war against the afflictions of poverty, famine, radicalisation, extremism and war. Our Development Aid Support Mechanism is part of this inventory.


In addition, our programme intensifies the communications in sharing good news stories of citizens acting in their communities and, most importantly, making social development goals simple and relevant every day, to everyone. Therefore, every single person wherever is given the voice to express the needs of it community via a coordinated central database.

Young people, students, community, and interested volunteers in this programme will receive new skills that will serve them well in marketing themselves; and have the opportunity to analyse and understand their own local development challenges and frustrations so that they could engage themselves in development arena to fix these social, economic, environmental, cultural and politic challenges immediately or in the future.




There are still many things need to be done, whatever the goals (SDGs) are, they require a good social Development Aid support mechanism to support them. The government may could be changed, but only with good social support mechanism, it is possible to have a sustainable development of our society.

So we are calling on interested parties from all backgrounds who can support, bring creativity, dedication, experience and talent to this program (see more at:, to support worldwide the ongoing efforts for the worth management of, and worth investment in the social, economic  and environmental well-being of our lovely planet.  









