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Sustainable Development Support

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Youth and the Internet




It was really a great  and successfully conference (Fighting Radicalization and extremism)  with great ideas and great concepts. In the practice, we will contribute across our information collection mechanism, volunteer network, our online platform and offline development aid support mechanism.

Please find in the following pamphlet the way we are  thinking to contribute in ICT4D,  in the fight against youth  Radicalization,  Extremism, Cybercrime and Climate Change in line with the other social development issues.



We are very grateful to be part of this conference. It was fantastic. Thanks

It is really amazing the things we can achieve when we build an environment that allows for others to explore their abilities and create awareness about Development matters for self-affirmation, engagement and solidarity, involving them in meaningful activities to tackle local, regional and international development issues.

New aid model needed or world's poorest will wait a century for basics (Thomson Reuters Foundation).

Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given the chance to understand, know and play it role in sustainable development. That's what we're doing. ~KFDWB

Together we can make it happen!