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Employability Skills 4 Youth (ES4Y)

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Agencia de Desarrollo Productivo (URUGUAY)

We are an association of 2nd level establish in 2004; we work on the strategy of the development of the territory and also in strengthening partner associations, including associations of Small farmers, Coordinator of Interior representative, NGO’s, Unions and cooperatives. Also work engage with Education Formal Organization promoting non formal educational and innovation and participation areas. Also support the local government in several areas.

The Social Purpose of the Productive Development Agency , has the following purposes:

a) To promote and contribute to the balanced and sustainable development of Paysandú articulating efforts between industry public and private.

b) Support the development of enterprises and sectors present in the department and the region.

c) Encourage the creation of new productive activities in the Local and regional territory.

d) To promote, disseminate and manage projects aimed at strengthening and diversify the local productive structure, respecting the environment identity and values of the community and its organizations.

e) Project on Social and Economic Council under the main goals for economic and social development of the Department of Paysandú. (The Social Economic Council of Paysandú was formed in December 2000 as the organ Driving Strategic Plan Development Paysandú.

Its vision is to be benchmark in Local and Regional Development creativity that articulates with the strengths of the private institutions and public.

The Mission: contribute to equitable development department Paysandú and region, betting on the integral development of individuals, family, culture, work, through the joint resources Organized Civil Society and Government.

We work on young entrepreneurship, promotion of youth participation and leaders and partnership.

We have a Business Center for Entrepreneurship for technical assistance, training and promotion of young people. Also an Incubator and cowork for them with several services with the support of Publics Politics.

Horacio Ragni - Marketing Analyst, Social Management, Political Marketing, Management Territorial Development. Working in Youth Policies since 1996. Manager of the Paysandu Local Development Agency

Lic Gustavo Sprei -. Sociologist. Master in Human Resources, Prostrate in Management Strategic, Prostrate in Total Quality Management, Diploma in Contemporary Philosophy; Train the Trainers Learning International, Diploma in Sociology of Work and Employment. Adviser of the Agency

Lucia Campanella -   Degree in communication sciences. Technical assistant of the Agency.

Contact Person

Manager: Horacio Ragni