Despite important investments, educational outcomes in South Africa still have a long way to go. From programmes targeting early-childhood development to life-skill workshops, we discussed EU involvement in the country with Arno...
THIS IS AN OUTDATED PAGE. Please find the updated page here: Global Gateway Business Opportunities - European Commission. This page provides links to resources relevant for the private sector to learn and take part to Global...
Research for Private sector development and industry
Various forms of private education have emerged in recent years in developing countries. Is this an important contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals or a worrying trend that will disenfranchise the poor?
ISDEHARAK empowers Iraqi youth through skills in demand in the labour market and fostering employability and entrepreneurship to capitalize on job opportunities in the agriculture and agri-value chains.
Le Projet Kafaat Liljamia – vers un système de formation professionnelle marocain de qualité, inclusif et axé sur le marché du travail, a été initié en Août 2017 par le British Council (contractant principal) et l'Agence Espagnole
Iniciaram-se os trabalhos técnicos de elaboração de Qualificações Profissionais baseadas em competências, tendo em vista a estruturação do Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações (CNQ) de Angola, no âmbito do Sistema Nacional de...
Coroando um longo trabalho, no âmbito e com o apoio do RETFOP, foi aprovado o quadro legal do Sistema Nacional de Qualificações, correspondendo à concretização de um dos objectivos do Governo angolano para o desenvolvimento do...
Uma das actividades do projecto RETFOP visa contribuir para a criação de um Mecanismo de Diálogo Público-privado que garanta uma efectiva participação dos parceiros sociais (entidades empregadoras e sindicais) no desenvolvimento...
The European Training Foundation has launched a new interactive knowledge-sharing platform on education, training, skills and employment in developing and transition contexts. Come and join the conversation with experts, policy...
The Economist’s special report on private education stirred a debate among education specialists. The report defends that private education is good at providing access where the state does not have capacity (You may find the links...