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Private Sector and Trade

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Seminar on Effective design and management of trade and private sector development assistance, 8-11 October 2018

In the Agenda 2030, the private sector has become a key actor in reaching the SDG’s. How can development cooperation support the private sector to take a more active role in reaching the goals? This seminar will bring up the importance of enabling the market, facilitate trade, as well as cooperate directly with the private sector to reach the development goals.

The principal aim of the four day seminar is to present in a comprehensive and interactive manner key issue related to private sector and trade, policy, programming and implementation. The training also aim at building capacity of our Delegations in delivering relevant programmes in collaboration with our partner countries.

The emphasis will be given on providing an operational interpretation of policy frameworks,   based on peer-to-peer experience and expertise from our Delegations, DEVCO HQ, other DGs, and other key institutional partners bringing relevant field experience.