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Private Sector and Trade

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Session 3 : Key EU policy frameworks

3.1 EU Global Strategy & Consensus on Development

Introduction to the overarching strategic and policy objectives of the EU external and development policy, and highlight the relevance for trade, investment climate and private sector support; also with reference to the Commission Communication on Communication on a new Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, and the Commission Reflection paper on Harnessing Globalisation, focusing on the rationale for trade-private sector-development nexus.

Reference documents

- EU (2016) Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe, A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign And Security Policy

- EU (2017) New European Consensus on Development - 'Our world, our dignity, our future'

- European Commission (2018) Communication on strengthening the EU's partnership with Africa: a new Africa-Europe alliance for sustainable investment and jobs (12.09.2018)

Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development


3.2 EU trade and development policy framework :

WTO, Strategy Trade for All, EU FTAs/EPAs/GSP, revised AfT Strategy, Regional Integration

Reference documents

- European Commission (2017) Reflection paper on harnessing globalization (10.05.2017)

- European Commission (2015) Communication Trade for all Towards a more responsible trade and investment policy

- European Commission (2017) Communication Achieving Prosperity through Trade and Investment Updating the 2007 Joint EU Strategy on Aid for Trade

- European Commission (2017) Aid for Trade - Report 2017: Review of progress by the EU and its Member States

- European Commission (2010) Trade and Private Sector Policy and Development (TPSD) Guidelines Reference Document Nr. 10

- WTO-OECD Aid for Trade Global Review 2017: “Promoting Trade, Inclusiveness and Connectivity for Sustainable Development”

- European Commission (2018) Concept paper on WTO modernisation: Future EU proposals on rulemaking (18.09.2018)

- European Parliament Research Service (2017), Multilateralism in international trade: WTO achievements and challenges, Briefing, December 2017.

- European Parliament Research Service (2017), Benefits of EU international trade agreements, Briefing European Added Value in Action.

- European Commission (2015), Policy Analysis: Assessment of economic benefits generated by the EU Trade Regimes towards developing countries

- European Commission (2015), Policy Analysis: Export Performance and Poverty Reduction

- European Parliament Research Service (2018), EU aid for trade: Taking stock and looking forward, Briefing, April 2018.


Session 3.3 Private sector :


Communication on Role of the Private Sector, integrated approach with the External Investment Plan approach and beyond, integrating economic diplomacy and connecting policy frameworks and tools.

Reference documents

- European Commission (2014) Communication A Stronger Role of the Private Sector in Achieving Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Countries COM(2014)263 

European Commission (2018) Communication Towards a more efficient financial architecture for investment outside the European Union (12.09.2018)

- European Commission (2016) Communication Strengthening European Investments for jobs and growth: Towards a second phase of the European Fund for Strategic Investments and a new European External Investment Plan (14.09.2016)

- European Commission (2017) Your Guide to the EU external Investment Plan , November

- Bilal, S. and S. Große-Puppendahl (2018), “Reshaping the EU ‘private finance for development’ landscape”, ECDPM Great Insights magazine, Spring 2018 (volume 7, issue 2)

- ECDPM (2018) Leveraging private investment for sustainable development. Great Insights Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 2. Spring 2018.


3.4 Looking into the future

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