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Session 5 An integrated approach for an enabling agenda

5.1 An integrated approach: the example of the EIP :

Presentation of the EIP, with a focus on the integrated approach and the articulation of the 3 pillars

Reference documents: 

- European Commission (2017) Your Guide to the EU external Investment Plan

- Große-Puppendahl, S. and S. Bilal (2018), What is the European External Investment Plan really about?, ECDPM Briefing Note 101, March 2018.

- Bilal, S. and Sebastian Große-Puppendahl (2018), The European External Investment Plan: Challenges and next steps for a game changer, ECDPM Briefing Note 102, March 2018.

- Lundsgaarde, E. (2017) The European Fund for Sustainable Development/ changing the game?, DIE Discusson Paper 29/2017, November 2017.


5.2 Budget support for IC :

Budget Support as the main support modality offers entry points for a more PS Enabling investment climate.

5.3 Financing :

The EFSD in practice (first 12 guarantee tools), with a discussion on how to engage financing actors and promote access to finance.

- European Commission (2018), European Fund for Sustainable Development Operational Report 2017: Promoting investment in the Neighbourhood and Africa (11.07.18)

European Commission (2018), Summaries of the first 12 Guarantee Tools proposed under the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD) Guarantee (30.08.2018)

- Grosse-Puppendahl, S., Bilal, S., Karaki, K. (2017) The EU’s financial instruments for access to energy in sub-Saharan Africa, ECDPM Discussion Paper 218, November 2017

5.4 Multi-level linkages :

Discuss linkages to local contexts, international/regional dynamics and other donor actions

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