Description Rapid urbanization, limited institutional, financial, and technical resources, and inadequate infrastructure often lead to water scarcity, pollution, and poor sanitation practices. Ensuring that everyone has access to...
Americas & the Caribbean
Water resources conservation
Water, Health & Sanitation
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Basic drinking water supply
Infrastructure for Watershed and basins management
Dear all, you are invited to attend the GWOPA webinar on the Digitalization journeys of water and sanitation utilities in low- and middle-income settings. Digitalization is reality in water and sanitation utilities worldwide...
Nutrition for Development (N4D) seeks to strengthen collaboration and partnerships between the EC, member states, and partner countries, with the wider aim to reduce maternal and child malnutrition.
L'objectif général de cette action solidaire européenne est celui d’appuyer la réponse nationale pour mitiger l'impact de la pandémie COVID-19 en Algérie. L'objectif spécifique est de renforcer les capacités du système de santé
Grâce au soutien du Fonds Bêkou, l'UNICEF a installé 60 stations de lavage des mains dans la capitale Bangui et sur le corridor Bouar- Garoua Boulai. Elle a également mis en place 14 systèmes d’urgence d'approvisionnement en eau...
The Support to Public Health Institutes Programme (SPHIP) started on 1 January 2015 and was supposed to last for five years until 31 December 2019. However, most projects approved under the SPHIP programme started later, and six...
UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) is organizing three webinars on: Post-COVID-19: Implications for International (Development) Cooperation. The world is working on mitigating the enormous challenges of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic...