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2 How to get involved in EDD15

How to get involved in EDD15

EDD15 will include an even more diverse array of participants than previous editions. We continue to strive for more balanced representation between the global ‘North’ and ‘South’.

We are placing special emphasis on engaging new and emerging stakeholders that are true ‘movers and shakers’ in their respective fields. Discussions and labs will benefit from their fresh perspectives, generating new solutions to longstanding challenges. Youth in particular will have a higher profile and greater representation during events.

Women and girls will also receive special attention at EDD15. Events will emphasise the need to remove all barriers to women’s equal participation, including the gender pay gap and women’s health and protection. Speakers will discuss sensitive matters related to gender-based violence and share about positive developments from the field.

Please, read the EDD15 Community Guide for information on how to get involved.