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European Development Days

 Library items


0 How to use EDD15 group

What is is a knowledge sharing community composed of thousands of development and cooperation professionals, from the European Commission and EEAS, EU member states, partner countries, civil society and the research community.

Since its launch, has become DG EuropeAid’s primary online knowledge sharing tool. This interactive platform was established to support capacity development and the aid effectiveness agenda through knowledge sharing and the exchange of best practices.

One of the site’s main technical strengths lies in its ability to tag and categorise information into thematic groups. 

Group features and tools

No matter what type, each group offers the following tools and features:

HOME - displays the latest activity, content highlighted by the administrator

PAGES - Static web pages hosted within the group. The creation and edition of these pages is restricted to the group owner and moderator(s), or members that have been offered permission to edit specific pages.

LIBRARY - The document library collates all uploaded documents submitted by group members. Any member can upload a document (max 32MB), from any of the following file types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdt, pdtx, odt, ods, odp, odf, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, ppt, pptx, vsd, zip, and pps.

EVENTS - Calendar where group members can upload event pages, including a map of the location, associated documents, as well as any relevant metadata tagging. Events can be followed and shared through social media and e-mail.

MEMBERS - Displays a list of members with basic information. Each listed member has a link to their profile, as well as a contact link. Messages sent through this contact form will be sent through the website’s e-mailing service.

Group Categories – a form of Tagging known as Group Categories that are defined by the group owner and moderator(s); these tags then become available to all content generated by group members.

Comments - Comments are available throughout the site, usually beneath every content item. To post a comment, you must be signed-in; to post a comment within a group, you must be a member of that group. We recommend you to react to the different pages by using the comments area in order to exchange. 

e‐mail notifications – By default, group notifications to inform users of activity are sent by e-mail once a week. Through their profile, members can indicate if and how often they would like to receive e-mail notifications.

Every member that creates or updates content can decide to activate, or not, these notifications.