}Adjunct Professor, Institute for International Research atthe Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China(Hopkins-Nanjing Center) 03/15- present
}Visiting Scholar, Oregon State University
}M-power Fellow, Mekong Sub-region Social Research Center, Ubon Ratchathani University,Thailand08/12-08/13
}Postdoctoral position, The State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering,Hohai University (HHU), Nanjing, China05/11-07/13
}Resident Professor, Hopkins-Nanjing Center, Nanjing, China
}Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Geosciences, Oregon State University
}Research Fellow, Institute for International Rivers (IIR), Nanjing, China11/06-present
}Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Law, HHU, Nanjing, China
}Attorney at law, C&T Partners Law Firm, China. Practicing
}News Reporter, Nanjing TV Station, China03/1997-8/1999
Main Research Fields
}International River Law
}International Relations
}Environmental Policy
}Public International Law
Related Activities
}Presentation on“Dam for International Development: Data for Decision Making”, ANTH 482/582 (Anthropology of International Development) ,OSU, Corvallis, OR, USA.03/2016
}Presentation on“Basin Right Approach to the Sustainable Hydropower Planning on the Mekong River”, Sustainable Hydropower Plan Forum, Mekong River Committee, Vientiane, Lao PDR,11/2015
}Presentation on“Ecological Civilization: It’s Hard to Say Love you”, ANTH 581(Natural Resources and Community Values), OSU, Corvallis, OR, USA.04/2014
}Presentation on“Just River: The Construction of Basin rights”, GEO 524 (International Water Resource Management), OSU, Corvallis, OR, USA. 04/2014
}Presentation on“Basin Right: The Starting Point of International Water Negotiation”, GEO 424 (International Water Resource Management), OSU, Corvallis, OR, USA. 02/2014
}Presentation on“International River Law: A Brief Introduction”, GEO 539 (Ecological Biogeography), OSU, Corvallis, OR, USA.11/2013
}Participate Training Workshop “Training of Trainers on Training Methodology (Sustaining River Basin Ecosystems)”, Khon Kaen, Thailand.08/2013
}Presentation on“China And The Mekong River Commission:The Role Of China In Mekong River Management---From Capacity Building Perspective”, Mekong Environmental Forum, Ho chi Ming City, Vietnam03/ 2013
}Participate Training Workshop Towards Sustainable Planning of Hydropower in the Mekong Region: Environmental and Socioeconomic Baseline Study Approaches, Bangkok,Thailand12/ 2012
}Presentation on“China And The Mekong River Commission:The Role Of China In Mekong River Management---From Legal Perspective”, Mekong Forum on Water, Food and Energy, Hanoi,Vietnam11/ 2012
}Presentation on“China and the Mekong River Commission: How can we engage upstream stakeholders into river basin cooperation?”,M-POWER Fellows 2012-2103 - Mun Call, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
06/ 2012
}Presentation on “International water politics: what is behind conflict and cooperation?” Institute for International Research atthe Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies, Nanjing University (NJU), Nanjing, China11/2011
}Presentation on“issues on Chinese research of International River Law”, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei province, China01/2011
}Contribute Paper: “First Chinese EIA on an International River? ”On The first issue of UPTW (The Universities Partnership for Transboundary Waters) Newsletter, compiled by Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) together with Oregon State University, 05/2009
}Presentation on“China Water Policy and International River Law”, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA 04/2009
}Participate The first University of Idaho College of Law Natural Resources and Environment Symposium on Transboundary River Governance in the Face of Uncertainty: The Columbia River Treaty, 2014,Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA 04/2009
}Participate the partners annual meeting of M-POWER (Mekong Program on Water Environment and Resilience), Kunming, China, 02/2009
Fund and Award
}Financial support from China National Social Science Foundation($30,000): Hydro-hegemony, Security order and Institution Construction 2013
}Special financial grant from the China Postdoctoral Science($25,000): Project of International Treaty Evaluation 2013
}Financial support from M-power(Mekong Program on Water, Environment and Resilience)($ 10,000): China And The Mekong River Commission:The Role Of China In Mekong River Management---From Legal Perspective2012
}Financial support from China National Social Science Foundation($25,000): Theory and Practice of International River Law2011}Award of monograph of High Education Institute in Jiangsu Province:
International River and Regional Security2011
Selected Recent Publications
}Hydro-hegemony, Security order and Institution Construction: On International Rivers political complex, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2015
}International River Law,Law Press, 2012
}International River and Regional Security,Hohai University Press, 2011
}Mekong River Committee’s Role in Mekong Water Governance,Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Public Administration, University of Electronic Science and Technology Publishing House, 2013
}MRC's Role in Institutionalized Cooperation in Mekong River Basin: Problem and Outlet, the 3rd Biennial Symposium of the International societyfor River Science, 2013
}On International River Hydro-political Complex, Journal of Economics of Water Resources, 2013
}International River and National Security, Journal of Economics of Water Resources, 2013
}Changes of annual runoff distribution in middle reaches of Songhua River, Journal of Hohai University (Natural Sciences), 2012
}On Political Content of International River Cooperation: Case of Two Rivers in the Middle East, Journal of Economics of Water Resources, 2012
}Establishment of theory of water right of international rivers, Journal of Economics of Water Resources, 2012
}Issues in Legal Studies of International Rivers in China, Journal of North China Electric Power University (Social Science Edition), 2011
}Geopolitical Perspective on Cooperation of International River, Journal of North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power (Social Science), 2011
}Temperature characteristics in the Balkhash Lake Basin from 1936 to 2005, Journal of Hohai University (Natural Sciences), 2011
}Comparisons of hydrological variations and environmental effects between Aral Sea and Lake Balkhash. Advances in Water Science, 2011
}New Security Perspective on Cooperation of International Rivers,Journal of Hunan Institute of Engineering (Social Science Edition) ,2011
}Cooperation of International Rivers is a Positive Factor to Promote Regional Security, Journal of Yanbian Party School,2010
}International River and Regional Security, Journal of Economics of Water Resources, 2010
}Security Issues of International Rivers, Water Resources Development Research, 2010
}Chinese Policies on International Rivers, Journal of Hohai University(Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2010
}On the Law of International Rivers, Journal of Hohai University(Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2008
}Comprehensive View on the Security of International Rivers, in “Change of Environment and Water Security”(Chinese Water Forum, No.5), Chinese Water Publication, 2008
}Chapter 10, The Law of Diplomacy, in Text Book ofPublic International Law, University of International Business and Economics Press, 2007
}Chapter 14, The United Nations and Other International Organizations,in Text Book ofPublic International Law, University of International Business and Economics Press, 2007
}Northeast International Rivers of China and Northeast Asia Security, Northeast Asia Forum, 2007
Education and Certificates
}Nanjing University of International Relations
PH.DNanjing, China
Emphasis: International securityDecember 2010
}Hohai University
Master of Law, Emphasis: jurisprudence Nanjing, China April 2001
}Hohai University Nanjing, China Academic Diploma, Economic LawJuly 1996
}License for Teaching in Higher Education in People’s Republic of China,Education Department of Jiangsu Province, 2002
}License for Lawyer in People’s Republic of China,Ministry of Justice of People’s Republic of China 2000
}Certificate in the Hohai –GWP training course of IWRM2008
}Certificate in International Water LawMinistry of Water Resources of People’s Republic of China2007
}Certificate in Bilingual Teaching in Higher EducationHohai University2002