Results (357)

This 2023 report examines the consultations held by EU Delegations (EUDs) with civil society (CSOs) at the country level, analysing both quantitative and qualitative aspects. It covers all 101 EU Delegations in DG INTPA countries...

This is the English version of the mapping study of civil society organisations in Mozambique 2020 - 2021

Mapeamento das OSCs em Moçambique

This is the public summary of the EU Roadmap for engagement with civil society in Guyana for the period 2024 - 2026.

Moçambique Roteiro da UE para engajamento com a sociedade civil

Somalia Roadmap for EU engagement with Civil Society

Morocco Roadmap for EU engagement with Civil Society

Examples of Civil Society Support Programmes from different partner countries.

Guidance note on mainstreaming civil society engagement into European Union coopeeration and external relations in the post 2020 phase