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EU engagement with Civil Society and Roadmaps

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EU Civil Society Roadmaps

In 2012, the European Commission issued a pivotal policy document titled "The Roots of Democracy and Sustainable Development: Europe's Engagement with Civil Society in External Relations." This was not just a policy paper but a call to action, marking the beginning of a concerted effort by the European Union and its Member States to deepen strategic engagement with civil society in partner countries around the world.

At the heart of this initiative lies the development of EU Civil Society Roadmaps. They serve as a unified strategic framework that guides the EU Delegations and Member States in their collaborative efforts to empower civil society at the national level.

The Civil Society Roadmaps (CS RM) aim to make the EU's actions more effective, predictable, and visible. They focus on improving how the EU works with civil society organisations across different sectors. 

This includes strengthening policy discussions, better integrating various funding sources, and providing support to help these organisations grow stronger in an enabling environment. By doing this, the CS Roadmaps ensure that the important contributions of civil society to governance and development are acknowledged and enhanced. Additionally, the Roadmaps help coordinate efforts between EU Delegations, Member States, and other lined donors, leading to a more coherent approach to working with civil society.

The drafting and implementation of these CS Roadmaps have been a shared responsibility of EU Delegations and Member States, and sometimes involving non-EU lined donors. CSOs have been significantly involved in this process through consultations and dialogue.

Since their inception, the CS RMs have evolved through several phases: the first generation covered 2014-2017, followed by a second generation spanning 2018-2020. Currently, we are in the midst of the third generation, which operates primarily from 2021 to 2024, encompassing regions in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and the Neighbourhood.

Through these strategic frameworks, the EU continues to support and strengthen civil society's crucial role in fostering democratic governance and sustainable development across the globe. 

You can check or download the Civil Society Roadmaps on the Roadmaps Tracker page in this group.