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Community meeting in Vietnam

EU engagement with Civil Society and Roadmaps

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Framework Partnership Agreements

Financial Framework Partnership agreements (FFPAS) are strategic partnerships between the EU and civil society umbrella organisations (or networks of CSOs) based on shared values and common policy objectives. Due to their broad geographical coverage and high number of members, FFPAs holders have indeed a wide scope of representation and strong expertise, which make them leaders in their fields. 

FFPAs aim therefore to support those organisations in engaging in advocacy activities at regional and global level; to enhance the capacities of CSO umbrella organisations to represent their constituencies; and to reinforce the capacities of the members of the CSO umbrella organisations to be actors of good governance in their own right at national level.

This support needs also to be seen in light of the 2021 Commission Communication “Inclusive Multilateralism”, which calls for the voice of the CSOs to be heard also in the international arena. 

By fostering partnerships through FFPAs, the EU seeks to empower CSOs to play a meaningful role in driving positive social change and promoting sustainable development in a wide range of thematic areas such as human rights, agriculture, trade, climate change, peace, or the fight against corruption.